Vol 2 Chapter 5 (1/2)
While glancing at the main gate of Karan, where carriages of merchants from other countries were lining up to enter, Kail and his party smoothly pa.s.sed through Karan’s main gate.
“Our position as messengers immediately became useful.”
Normally they would take the same time because of the procedures to enter the city, but at the moment, Kail and his party are temporarily allowed to enter freely because of their status as messengers from the country of Jirgs.
And Jirgs is technically the country ruling over Karan, so when they told the guards that they were messengers of Jirgs they were easily let through.
Karan was a city that possessed its own uniqueness. The buildings were all made out of stone and it can even be said that it was made boorishly, unlike the buildings in Marado that were built while minding the outer appearance. It can be said that these buildings were made with the idea to be simple and st.u.r.dy.
Even Sildonia and Seran were looking at the streets for once.
However, Urza, who began to look annoyed the second she stepped into town, was hiding her ears that were the racial trait of the Elves. She doesn’t usually do this, but in order for no one to notice she was an Elf she had to.
“What’s wrong?”
When Lize asked that, Urza silently looked towards the road where people were walking, beyond her sight there were many dwarfs visible.
Seeing that Lize became convinced.
Dwarfs, they are the race with the second largest populace within the humanoids with the largest being the humans, also, they possess their own country and have much influence.
Both male and female Dwarfs have small, buff, builds in contrast to the slim and tall Elves, Elves are the people of the forest, the Dwarfs are the people of the land.
They make things like underground cities and there are many Dwarves in this city, a mining town, so there are supposed to be next to no Elves.
Also, there are individual differences, but fundamentally Elves and Dwarves don’t get along that well.
“Don’t worry, I do not have any ill will towards them. I don’t have a discriminating mindset towards those Dwarfs…….. In the first place, they’re too stubborn, also, they love to drink alcohol and are borish, they fundamentally don’t have the thing called concern, so they’re really hopeless bunch.”
“You have prejudice at the level where it’s actually impressive…….”
Lize said, with an amazed tone.
“It’s alright, I know my place. I won’t cause any unnecessary commotion.”
As expected, Urza said that with a moody voice.
Even though it can be said that they’re unofficial, Kail and his party are still messengers of Jirgs, so they can’t cause any kind of disturbance.
Kail, who also saw Urza’s moody figure, lightly sighed.
He remembered the hards.h.i.+ps he had to go through in a battle because of the poor relations.h.i.+p between the Dwarfs and the Elves.
They were working together, but only because the world was in danger, they only spoke when it was necessary at the bare minimum and weren’t even trying to look each other in the eye otherwise.
If you were to ask what they didn’t like about each other they would answer ‘because the other side p.i.s.ses me off’ in complete harmony so there was nothing that could be done.
“All of you ladies and gentlemen are Princess Mirena-sama’s messengers, right.”
When he turned around, because of the voice that called out to them from behind, Kail froze for an instant when he saw the face of the woman who stood there.
“It is a pleasure to meet you, I am known as Miranda and I serve as Jirgs’ amba.s.sador in Karan.”
The one that greeted them with a smile was an intellectual beauty with a calm atmosphere, in her mid-twenties, wearing gla.s.ses made by an dwarf technician.
Behind her was what looked like ten armored guards to protect her.
“Ah, well…….. I am Kail Leonard. Nice to meet you.”
(I see, so you were doing something like being an amba.s.sador around this time……)
Recovering from the sudden surprise he felt, Kail was somehow able to give a response.
“Yes, I am well informed about all of you. It is weird if we just chat around while standing here so please follow us to the emba.s.sy. It is right around the corner so I apologize because we will walk there.”
Please follow us, is what Miranda said and began to walk.
“…….Your response seemed a little weird.”
Lize looked at Kail with sharp eyes.
“You looked s.p.a.ced out because she was a beauty right?”
It was simply an unexpected reunion—— Though it was only so for Kail—— so he couldn’t possibly answer her with that.
“Hmm? N-No you’re wrong. In the first place, her age is around mother’s, even I won’t go with someone like that.”
“Close to Sera-san? That person didn’t seem that old though.”
Lize thought it was impossible after looking at Miranda who looked as if she was in her mid-twenties at most.
“No, it is exactly as Kail said. That hip and the condition of her skin……. If I had to say it would be around thirty three.”
Looking at Miranda who was walking in front of him, Seran said it with a serious face.
“You’re amazing, aren’t you…..”
Kail, who knew her real age, showed his astonishment on his face after Seran said her exact age.
“However, not only does Sera-san have a natural const.i.tution, I can see that she also maintains it through considerable effort.
“Don’t say it as if it’s normal. What will you do if she hears us.”
Understanding that his own mother was a special exception, Kail sighed.
“Ah~…….. Could it be that Kail…….. you don’t like older woman?”
Urza tried saying it uninterestedly, but there was a mix of anxiety when she said it.”
“No, if it isn’t an extreme difference I won’t mind.”
Actually isn’t your meaning of older different, is what Kail thought as he looked at the over a hundred years old Urza.
“From Myself’s perspective everything is within range.”
“You’re even more different.”
To Sildonia, a magic life form who has lived over a thousand years, the concept of age difference itself doesn’t hold any meaning.
“I don’t care about age, I only care about appearance!”
“I didn’t ask you!”
Miranda looked at the messengers from her homeland with a smile while they were whispering with each other and started making a commotion.
The place where Kail and his party were brought to, was the most splendid looking building, which was once the mark of power where the village chief resided, who could be called Karan’s king.
However, two years ago it became the emba.s.sy where the amba.s.sador does her work, just by looking at this it showed the relation between Karan and Jirgs.
“I see, all of you care to meet the village chief right?”
Inside the drawing room, Miranda was reading the letter that princess Mirena wrote for her and then ascertains Kail and his party’s objective.
“While the homeland was in confusion after the king pa.s.sed away, she sent this kind of irregular messengers……… what a Mirena sama-like thing to do.”
Rather than customs, she gave priority to speed, that can be called Mirena’s strong point.
Also Miranda’s words weren’t those of just a va.s.sal, Kail felt a tone of friendliness from them.
“Ehm…… Are you close with Mirena-sama?”
“Yes, I was one of her teachers three years ago, I mainly taught her about diplomatic affairs. Also, it may seem presumptuous for me to say this however…….. I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving Mirena-sama’s live from danger.”
Miranda gives her grat.i.tude while bowing her head.
“Mirena-sama has written that I should a.s.sist all of you to the utmost of my strength, so please tell me whatever you want.”
“Then it may be a little sudden, but I want to meet with the village head.”
When Kail said that, Miranda’s face became a little dark.
“Well, the problem is that you can’t meet with him so easily. At the moment the village head is sick and can’t meet anyone.”
“Is it such a serious illness that we can’t meet him even once?”
“I have been there many times in order to request a meeting, however, the doctor says it is an easily spread illness so it is not easy to enter. Also, Karan’s management itself doesn’t have any problems at the moment there.”
Incredibly stingy, is what she probably wanted to say.
“I see…….. However, I want to go meet him for now.”
“Yes, if it’s Mirena-sama’s personal messengers than they will have a duty to perform. Since I was also thinking to go there by force if I had too.”
Well then, I shall show you the way, Miranda said that and stood up from her seat.
Because Miranda was busy with finis.h.i.+ng up the paperwork for the guards, Kail and his party were waiting in front of the emba.s.sy when Seran came over to talk to him.
“Hey Kail, there isn’t any point even if I go to the meeting right. I’m gunna roam around for a while.”
“I don’t mind but what are you……. Well, I guess I don’t need to ask.”
Kail had determined that it had to do with women anyway.
“I won’t deny that that’s a big part of it, but I also have something else to do……. well, I’ll come back before it gets dark.”
Seran disappeared into the streets of Karan while waving his hand.