Vol 2 Chapter 4 (1/2)

After Kail and his party left the castle, they walked toward Fesba’s shop in order to receive their armor, weapons, and to replenish their consumables.


Fesba welcomed Kail and his party outside of his shop, while deeply bowing his head.

“Also, though it may be late, congratulations on being awarded with medals.”

“Ah, Thanks. Though it hasn’t become that much of a popular topic.”

Kail says that while shrugging his shoulders, Fesba spoke back while smiling wryly.

“Regarding that, it can only be said that the timing was bad….. however, since it’s s Kail and the others, I am certain that you will obtain new achievements soon.”

Fesba said that while smiling, it may be a smile out of politeness, but it still gave people a favorable impression.

In reality to Fesba, Kail and his party are important high cla.s.s customers.

The repairing of all the equipment this time should have actually taken more time, however, they did the impossible and rushed it.

Naturally, it cost some in order to speed it up, however, including the payment for the job and the order for a large amount of magic potion and magic stones, they received an astronomical amount for it.

And Kail had paid it all up front, it is only natural for a merchant to act so nice towards a customer who can pay so much.

Of course it’s not as if Fesba wasn’t interested in their true ident.i.ty.

Even though they were unknown until now, they had an unimaginable amount of wealth, saved the princess when she was in danger, and received medals of honor because of it.

It couldn’t be helped that his curiosity got aroused, because it was just like the song about the epic tale of the silver hero.

“Then I shall immediately bring over the repaired items, so please do come in.”

However, to indiscriminately look into a customer’s ident.i.ty would be a failure as a merchant.

Having obtained a big profit, he found it enough to cherish this important connection, Fesba lead them to the second floor where only special customers come.

Kail equipped the repaired leather armor in order to confirm how it feels.

Urza and Lize were confirming the number of magic stones and magic potions, Sildonia was happily eating the sweets that were brought out.

“Also, what about my sword.”

Seran took out the sword he had sent to be repaired and checked the blade.

“Yes, there were some minor scratches and stuff like that, but it was still within a repairable range.”

Fesba said while laughing.

He had become wide eyed out of surprise when I told him the sword had only been used for less than a single month.

“Well I may have overused it a little bit.”

Of course he couldn’t say that he had cut down thirty imperial knights, armor and all, with it.

“Well this sword isn’t that bad, but don’t you have sword that’s a little better?”

“I apologize, this is the highest cla.s.s sword we have available inside our shop……..”

Fesba said it as if he was truly sorry.

Isn’t there a better sword, this is what Fesba gets asked by customers on a normal day.

Even if a weapon is picked which doesn’t suit you, you can still just swing it around.

Because he is a merchant, he will sell it to a customer if they pay for it, but when he hears that question, he can’t help but remember the other cases.

However, objects do not tell lies.

The pain on this sword shows that it was not able to keep up with its master’s skills, I am able to clearly understand that.

And it was hard for Fesba to prepare a sword even better than this one, he truly apologized from the bottom of his heart as a merchant, for not being able to sell what his customer truly desires.

“I see…… well I guess I’ll just use this guy for the time being.”

Guess, there’s no other way, seran says that, while sheathing his sword into the scabbard.

Normally, if you ask for a store’s best product, then you’ll be able to obtain it as long as you give the gold, however, Seran understood that there was no sword better than the one he had at the moment.

If it was a normal sword, it would’ve been bend or broken in the middle of that fight, however, since it was able to last, it was at least not a bad sword.

However, it is also true that if Seran possessed a sword like Sildonia, he would have an easier time while fighting.

“Excuse me……. I was not able to give what I had promised, however, through a connection I may be able to find a sword that may be worthy of Seran-sama.”

“I will wait without expecting anything.”

Seran says, while pointing at the sword on his waist.

“We will go to Karan after this, but is there anything you know about it?”

A little while after they had checked everything they had received, Kail asked Fesba a question.

Even in his previous life, Kail hadn’t been to Karan before, he always wanted to visit it at least once, but he was not able to because of the great advance.

Karan produces high quality armor and weapons, even this shop sells armor and weapons made in Karan.

“Things about Karan is it… That place is….. well I’ll just say that it is a difficult place. Having an old history, it has the tradition to be aggressive towards outsiders and keep them outside.

When it came to Karan, Fesba’s face became a little clouded and he continued by saying, this is just a story going around however.

“The one that can be said to have a substantive rule over Karan is the blacksmith guild, the guild leader can be said to serve as the town leader. Those of the blacksmith guild have a lot of confidence in their skills, so they have a lot of pride, in a negative way it can be said that they are arrogant and look down on others…… because of that, a lot of problems have occurred.

Many years ago, it was already hard enough to get into the town itself, so it was hard to do business with them, is what Fesba said while smiling wryly.

“However, since it became a sub state of Jirgs they couldn’t remain unchanged, so it seems they are trying to change the customs they had until now, right now, with the young generation as the center, they are trying to mingle in, especially with Jirgs so they can increase their business.”

It is progressing in a good direction, or so Fesba says.

“I see…… thank you. I think we’re going to come again, so please take care of us again at that time.”

Kail says his thanks and was about the leave with Lize and the others following behind him.

“Ah, also.”

Seran who was about to leave the store got called out by Fesba.

“Karan is an old city with a lot of history in it, they also have a lot of legends concerning armor and weapons. Just maybe they might have a sword worthy of Seran-sama.”

“Hum…….. usually when I arrive at a new town, the first thing I do is look for cute girls, but this time I may bend my traditions a little, and look for a sword…..”