64 Chapter 64 (1/2)
” What is it?”
” Viola, you are a very pretty girl, why must you lower down yourself for one man knowing he does not like you,”
” You,”
” As in metaphor, there is a lot of fish in the sea, you could pick anyone, why are you so fixated on that particular one?”
” Amanda, it seems like you have way more free time,”
” I am sorry, I was just saying what is in my mind,”
” What you said can lead you into trouble,”
” Don't worry, I won't say anything again,”
” Leave, now, ”She quickly left.
[With Nadia]
I was looking through the books and I could not see anything that we can use. Amanda comes in with a snack in her hand.
” Amanda, what are you doing here?”
” I came to give you a snack and water to drink,”
” You don't have to,”
” You have been here for hours and you haven't eaten good food,”
” Strangely, I am not hungry,”
” How are you not hungry?”
” I don't know,”
” Have you find anything useful?”
” Nothing yet,”
” You will still find, you have 6 days left,”
” Do you know the symptoms?”
” I heard Phillip said it once,”
” What is it?”
” You will have a high fever, running nose, and difficulty breathing,”
” I see, ”
I immediately got an idea.
” Amanda, I have finally got an idea,”
” What is it?”
” Hold on, ”
I look at the making of fever, running nose, and difficulty breathing. I decided to combine them.
” Nadia,”
” Do you have a pen and paper?”