63 Chapter 63 (1/2)

” Did she say anything else?”

” Well, she said how I am the daughter of the divine doctor, I did not believe that,”

” You still don't remember anything?”

” I don't.......Kevin,”

” What?”

” Do you have any library here?”

” Yes, we do,”

” Why do you ask?”

” The woman tell me I should go there and I will see the cure,”

” The woman said that?”

” Yes,”

” Let me show you the library,”

” Okay,”

Kevin took me to the library. The library was very big. This was my first time seeing a big library.

” This library is so big,”

” Nobody has entered this library before, it has medical books all over,”

” Is that so?”

” Yes,”

” Kevin, you can go now,”

” What,”

” Kevin, don't worry about me and focus on your duty, I won't lose the deal,”

” I want to help you,”

” Kevin don't, I made a deal with your mom not you so go and do your work,”

” Fine, if that is what you said,”

Kevin left.

How will I look for a book that can cure the disease? The library is so big, I don't even know where to start. That crazy woman put me in this situation.