62 Chapter 62 (1/2)
There was a knock on Jim's door.
” Who is it?”
” It is me,”
Jim went to open the door.
” Why are you here?”
” I will explain to you, let me go inside first,”
Kevin went to sit down.
” Is anything the matter?”
” Nothing, do you have any strong drinks?”
” I do have, let me bring it for you,”
He brought it and Kevin was drinking.
” What's wrong with you?”
” Nadia made a deal with my mom,”
” What kind of deal, the queen never made a deal with anybody if she thinks the other person will win,”
” She made a deal about finding a cure for a week if she did not find it she will have to leave,”
” How can Nadia made such a deal?”
” I don't even know,”
” Kevin, we are all suspecting she is the girl from childhood, maybe with this, we might be sure,”
” She is the one, my father said that,”
” Your father said it?”
” Then if she is the one, what are you worried about?”
” She doesn't remember, how can she learn to look for the cure,”
” Then help her,”
” Help her?”
” Yes, anything you can to make sure she reached the deadline in a week, do that,”
” I think you are right, I am leaving.....I am glad I talked to you,”
Kevin left.
[With Nadia]
Kevin isn't back yet. Instead of me waiting for him, I should try to look for it but where is the library, she didn't tell me. I can't even ask them because they will not tell me. Kevin comes back.
” Kevin, you are here,”