Part 9 (1/2)

2. Then erase the map from the board, and call upon one scholar, in presence of the cla.s.s, to draw the lines representing natural divisions: another the river and lakes, etc., etc.

3. If chalk of different colors can be used for the different departments of the map, coast line and Jordan line one color, mountain lines another, it will add to the interest.

Blackboard Outline

I. =Na.= Ca. Isr. Jud. Pal.

II. =Dim.= Ca. 6,600. Pal. 12,000. C. L. 140. To =Jor.= 25. To D. S.

60. Jor. L. 155.

III. =Wat.= Med. Jor. L. Me. S. Gal. D. S.

IV. =Nat. Div.= M. P. Sh. M. R. J. V. E. T.-L.

Review Questions

Why is a knowledge of the land of Pal'es-tine important? Give and explain the four different names of this land. What is meant by ”Ca'naan” proper? How large is Ca'naan? How large was the domain of the Twelve Tribes? How long is the coast line? How far is the Jor'dan distant from the coast near its source?

How far is the Dead Sea from the coast? What is meant by the Jor'dan line? How long is the Jor'dan line?

Name the most important waters of Pal'es-tine.

Describe the river Jor'dan, sources, elevations, length, etc. Describe and locate Lake Me'rom. Describe the Sea of Gal'i-lee. Describe the Dead Sea. What are the five natural divisions of Pal'es-tine?


V. Pal'es-tine is a land of =Mountains=, among which we notice only a few of the most important, beginning in the north.

1. =Mount Her'mon=, is near the source of the Jor'dan, on the east, and is the highest mountain in Pal'es-tine.

2. =Mount Leb'a-non=, west of Her'mon, was famous for its cedars (1 Kings 5. 6; Psa. 29. 5).

3. =Mount Ta'bor=, the place of Deb'o-rah's victory, is southwest of the Sea of Gal'i-lee (Judg. 4. 6).

4. =Mount Gil-bo'a=, where King Saul was slain, is south of Ta'bor (1 Sam. 31. 1; 2 Sam. 1. 21).

5. =Mount Car'mel=, the place of E-li'jah's sacrifice, is on the Med-i-ter-ra'ne-an, due west of the Sea of Gal'i-lee (1 Kings 18. 20, 42; Isa. 35. 2).

6. =Mount E'bal=, ”the mount of cursing,” lies in the center of the land (Deut. 11. 26).

7. =Mount Ger'i-zim=, ”the mount of blessing,” is south of E'bal (Josh.

8. 33; John 4. 20).

8. =Mount Zi'on=, on which Je-ru'sa-lem stood and still stands, is due west of the head of the Dead Sea.

9. =Mount Ne'bo=, where Mo'ses died, is directly opposite Zi'on, on the east of the Dead Sea (Deut. 34. 1).

VI. We note a few of the most important places, selecting only those connected with Old Testament history; and we arrange them according to the natural divisions of the land.

1. On the _Seacoast Plain_ were:

1.) =Ga'za=, on the south, the scene of Sam'son's exploits and death (Judg. 16. 21).