Part 8 (1/2)
3.) It was observed by a general illumination of Je-ru'sa-lem; hence often called ”the feast of lights.”
7. =The Feast of Purim=, not named in the New Testament, unless it be referred to in John 5. 1.
1.) Held in the early spring, the 14th and 15th of the month Adar (March) (Esth. 9. 21).
2.) Commemorating Queen Esther's deliverance of the Jew'ish people (Esth. 9. 22-26).
3.) Observed with general feasting and rejoicing.
Blackboard Outline
I. =Per. Inst=. 1. Sab. 2. Ne. Mo. 3. Sev. Ann. Sol. 4. Sab. Ye.
5. Ye. Jub.
II. =Sac. Yea.=
{1. Pa.s.s. spr. ex. Eg. sla. la.
1. Gr. Fe. {2. Pen. sum. giv. la. fir. fru.
{3. Tab. fal. lif. wil. liv. huts.
2. Ann. Fa. 4. Day. At. fal. sin. rec. pr. H. Hol.
{5. Trum. fal. N. Ye. bl. trum.
3. Les. Fe. {6. Ded. win. rec. Tem. ill. Jer.
{7. Pur. spr. Esth. del. fea. rej.
Review Questions
What is meant by ”Periodical Inst.i.tutions”? Name the five general periodical inst.i.tutions of the Is'ra-el-ites. What did the Sabbath commemorate? What were the new moons? How many times in the year were observed by the Is'ra-el-ites? What was the Sabbatical Year? What was the Year of Jubilee? Name the three great feasts. When was each great feast observed? What did each feast commemorate? How was each feast observed? What took place on the Day of Atonement?
What did the Day of Atonement represent? What were the three lesser feasts? When was each observed? What did each lesser feast commemorate? How were these feasts observed?
The Land of Palestine
We have followed the history of the Is'ra-el-ites to their encampment on the border of their promised land. Before taking up the study of their conquest of Ca'naan let us obtain some conception of the country with which the greater part of Bible history is connected--the land of Pal'es-tine.
I. Let us notice its =Names= at different periods:
1. The earliest name was =Ca'naan=, ”lowland,” referring only to the section between the river Jor'dan and the Med-i-ter-ra'ne-an Sea, of which the inhabitants most widely known were the Ca'naan-ites, dwelling on the lowland plains (Gen. 12. 5).
[Ill.u.s.tration: PALESTINE]