Part 6 (1/2)
This special form of absorbers presented many difficulties in construction, but the mechanical difficulties were overcome by the potter's skill and a number of such vessels were furnished by the Charles Graham Chemical Pottery Works. Here again these vessels served our purpose for several months, but unfortunately the glaze used did not suffice to cover them completely and there was a slight, though persistent, leakage of sulphuric acid through the porous walls. To overcome this difficulty the interior of the vessels was coated with hot paraffin after a long-continued was.h.i.+ng to remove the acid and after they had been allowed to dry thoroughly. The paraffin-treated absorbers continued to give satisfaction, but it was soon seen that for permanent use something more satisfactory must be had. After innumerable trials with glazed vessels of different kinds of pottery and gla.s.s, arrangements were made with the Royal Berlin Porcelain Works to mold and make these absorbers out of their highly resistant porcelain. The result thus far leaves nothing to be desired as a vessel for this purpose. A number of such absorbers were made and have been constantly used for a year and are absolutely without criticism.
Fig. 28 shows the nature of the interior of the apparatus. The air enters through one opening at the top, down through a bent pipe, and enters a series of roses, consisting of inverted circular saucers with holes in the rims. The position of the holes is such that when the vessel is one-fourth to one-third full of sulphuric acid the air must pa.s.s through the acid three times. To prevent spattering, a small cup-shaped arrangement, provided with holes, is attached to the opening through which the air out of the absorber, and for filling the vessel with acid a small opening is made near one edge. The specifications required that the apparatus should be made absolutely air-tight to pressures of over 1 meter of water, and that there is no porosity in these vessels under these conditions is shown by the fact that such a pressure is held indefinitely. The inside and outside are both heavily glazed. There is no apparent action of sulphuric acid on the vessels and the slight increase in temperature resulting from the absorption of water-vapor as the air through does not appear to have any deleterious effect.
[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 28.--Cross-section of sulphuric-acid absorber. The air enters at the top of the right-hand opening, descends to the bottom of the absorber, and then through three concentric rings, which are covered with acid, and it finally out at the left-hand opening. Beneath the left-hand opening is a cup arrangement for preventing the acid being carried mechanically out through the opening.
The opening for filling and emptying the absorber is shown midway between the two large openings.]
The vessels without filling and without rubber elbows weigh 11.5 kilograms; with the special elbows and couplings attached so as to enable them to be connected with the ventilating air-system, the empty absorbers weigh 13.4 kilograms; and filled with sulphuric acid they weigh 19 kilograms. Repeated tests have shown that 5.5 kilograms of sulphuric acid will remove the water-vapor from a current of air pa.s.sing through the absorbers at the rate of 75 liters of air per minute, without letting any appreciable amount pa.s.s by until 500 grams of water have been absorbed. At this degree of saturation a small persistent amount of moisture escapes absorption in the acid and consequently a second absorber will begin to gain in weight. Experiments demonstrate that the first vessel can gain 1,500 grams of water before the second gains 5 grams. As a matter of fact, it has been found more advantageous to use but one absorber and have it refilled as soon as it has gained 400 grams, thus allowing a liberal factor of safety and no danger of loss of water.
The problem of absorbing the water-vapor from so rapid a current of air is second only to that of absorbing the carbon dioxide from such a current. All experiments with pota.s.sium hydroxide in the form of sticks or in solution failed to give the desired results and the use of soda-lime has supplemented all other forms of carbon dioxide absorption.
More recently we have been using potash-lime, subst.i.tuting caustic potash for caustic soda in the formula, and the results thus obtained are, if anything, more satisfactory than with the soda-lime.
The potash-lime is made as follows: 1 kilogram of commercial pota.s.sium hydroxide, pulverized, is dissolved in 550 to 650 cubic centimeters of water and 1 kilogram of pulverized quicklime added slowly. The amount of water to be used varies with the moisture content of the potash. There is a variation in the moisture content of different kegs of potash, so when a keg is opened we determine experimentally the amount of water to be used. After a batch is made up in this way it should be allowed to cool before testing whether it has the right amount of water, and this is determined by feeling of it and noting how it pulverizes in the hand.
It is not advisable to make a great quant.i.ty at once, because we have found that if a large quant.i.ty is made and broken into small particles and stored in a container it has a tendency to cake and thus interfere with its ready subsequent use.
A record was kept of the gains in weight of a can filled with potash-lime during a series of experiments where there were three silver-plated cans used. This can was put at the head of the system and when it began to lose weight it was removed. The records of gains of weight when added together amount to 400 grams. From experience with other cans where the loss of moisture was determined, it is highly probable that at least 200 grams of water were vaporized from the reagent and thus the total amount of carbon dioxide absorbed must have been not far from 600 grams. At present our method is not to allow the cans to gain a certain weight, but during 4-hour or 5-hour experiments, in which each can may be used 2 or 3 hours, it is the practice to put a new can on each side of the absorber system (see page 66) at the beginning of every experiment. This insures the same power of absorption on each side of the absorption system so that the residual amount of carbon dioxide in the chamber from period to period does not undergo very marked changes. This has been found the best method, because if one can is left on a day longer than the other there is apt to be alternately a rise and fall in the amount of residual carbon dioxide in the apparatus, owing to the unequal efficiency of the absorbers.
These cans are each day taken to the bas.e.m.e.nt, where the first section[19] only is taken out and replaced with new potash-lime. Thus, three-quarters of the contents of the can is used over and over, while the first quarter is freshly renewed every day. Potash-lime has not been found practicable for the U-tubes because one can not, as in the case of soda-lime, see the whitening of the reagent where the carbon dioxide is absorbed.
The importance of having the soda-lime or potash-lime somewhat moist, to secure the highest efficiency for the absorption of the carbon dioxide, makes it necessary to absorb the moisture taken up by the dry air in pa.s.sing through the potash-lime can. Consequently a second vessel containing sulphuric acid is placed in the system to receive the air immediately after it leaves the potash-lime can. Obviously the amount of water absorbed here is very much less than in the first acid absorber and hence the same absorber can be used for a greater number of experiments.
The complete removal of water-vapor and carbon dioxide from a current of air moving at the rate of 75 liters per minute calls for large and somewhat unwieldy vessels in which is placed the absorbing material.
This is particularly the case with the vessels containing the rather large amounts of sulphuric acid required to dry the air. In the course of an hour there is ordinarily removed from the chamber not far from 25 grams of water-vapor and 20 to 30 grams of carbon dioxide. This necessitates weighing the absorbers to within 0.25 gram if an accuracy of 1 per cent is desired. The sulphuric-acid absorbers weigh about 18 kilograms when filled with acid. In order to weigh this receptacle so as to measure accurately the increase in weight due to the absorption of water to within less than 1 per cent, we use the balance shown in fig.
29. This balance has been employed in a number of other manipulations in connection with the respiration calorimeter and accessory apparatus and the general type of balance leaves nothing to be desired as a balance capable of carrying a heavy load with remarkable sensitiveness.
The balance is rigidly mounted on a frame consisting of four upright structural-steel angle-irons, fastened at the top to a substantial wooden bed. Two heavy wooden pieces run the length of the table and furnish a substantial base to which the standard of the balance is bolted. The balance is surrounded by a gla.s.s case to prevent errors due to air-currents (see fig. 2). The pan of the balance is not large enough to permit the weighing of an absorber, hence provision is made for suspending it on a steel or bra.s.s rod from one of the hanger arms. This rod through a hole in the bottom of the balance case, and its lower end is provided with a piece of pipe having hooks at either end.
Since the increase in weight rather than the absolute weight of the absorber is used, the greater part of the weight is taken up by lead counterpoises suspended above the pan on the right-hand arm of the balance. The remainder of the weight is made up with bra.s.s weights placed in the pan.
[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 29.--Balance for weighing absorbers, showing general type of balance and case surrounding it, with counterpoise and weights upon right-hand pan. A sulphuric-acid absorber is suspended in position ready for weighing. Elevator with compressed-air system is shown in lower part of case.]
In order to suspend this heavy absorber, a small elevator has been constructed, so that the vessel may be raised by a compressed-air piston. This piston is placed in an upright position at the right of the elevator and is connected with the compressed-air service of the building. The pressure is about 25 pounds per square inch and the diameter of the cylinder is 2.5 inches, thus giving ample service for raising and lowering the elevator and its load. By turning a 3-way valve at the end of the compressed-air supply-pipe, so that the air rushes into the cylinder above the piston, the piston is pushed to the base of the cylinder and the elevator thereby raised. The pressure of the compressed air holds the elevator in this position while the hooks are being adjusted on the absorber. By turning the 3-way valve so as to open the exhaust leading to the upper part of the cylinder to the air, the weight of the elevator expels the air, and it soon settles into the position shown in the figure. The weighing can then be made as the absorber is swinging freely in the air. After the weighing has been made, the elevator is again lifted, the hooks are released, and by turning the valve the elevator and load are safely lowered.
The size of the openings of the pipes into the cylinder is so adjusted that the movement of the elevator is regular and moderate whether it is being raised or lowered, thus avoiding any sudden jars that might cause an accident to the absorbers. With this system it is possible to weigh these absorbers to within 0.1 gram and, were it necessary, probably the error could be diminished so that the weight could be taken to 0.05 gram. On a balance of this type described elsewhere,[20] weighings could be obtained to within 0.02 gram. For all practical purposes, however, we do not use the balance for weighing the absorbers closer than to within 0.10 gram. In attempting to secure accuracy no greater than this, it is unnecessary to lower the gla.s.s door to the balance case or, indeed, to close the two doors to the compartment in which the elevator is closed, as the slight air-currents do not affect the accuracy of the weighing when only 0.1 gram sensitiveness is required.
As is to be expected, the pa.s.sage of so large a volume of air through the sulphuric acid in such a relatively small s.p.a.ce results in a slight acid odor in the air-current leaving this absorber. The amount of material thus leaving the absorber is not weighable, as has been shown by repeated tests, but nevertheless there is a sufficiently irritating acid odor to make the air very uncomfortable for subsequent respiration.
It has been found that this odor can be wholly eliminated by pa.s.sing the air through a can containing cotton wool and dry sodium bicarbonate.
This can is not weighed, and indeed, after days of use, there is no appreciable change in its weight.