The Son Of Monte Cristo Part 19 (1/2)

”And, in addition, I hold relations with persons who condescend to recognize in ement of confidential matters”

”Pshaw! Who are these persons!”

”I will give you the name of one, sir--Monsieur Franchet”

And Cyprien stole a glance at his master, who started in spite of all his self-control This Franchet was at the climax of his celebrity, and exercised the mysterious function of Director-General of the Police He owed his elevation solely to the Society of Jesus This occult pohose ramifications extended all over France, was s No one could expect any favor if he did not first render this society e

Cyprien now became invested with immense importance in the eyes of the Marquis He was now not only an accoht become a formidable adversary

A brief silence followed this revelation, and then the Marquis bade Cyprien go on hat he was saying

”I was saying, sir, that I have employed all the resources of my weak mind in the defence of the sacred interests of the society, and that I had the power to replace you in the position which your i insolent

”And hoill you perfor you in the great plan which will prove our zeal for the monarchy”

The Marquis frowned He was not pleased at the association!

Cyprien dropped his voice

”A vast conspiracy,” he said, ”is for!”

The Marquis started

”Not so--thethat it is not at the er is real A Republican party----”

Fongereues shrugged his shoulders

”A _Republican_ party,” repeated Cyprien, e the country with its net In a few months--in a feeeks, perhaps--a movement will burst out simultaneously all over France, and it may come to pass that the throne will fall quicker than we think

Royalty is unpopular in these days Strength is the only sustaining force And is the throne strong enough to resist a general uprising? I doubt it And I, poor servant that I am, can arrest this movement, even now! I can betray the chiefs of this association But I areat the services naw, and that will be deeereues, peer of France, denounce at the Tuileries the formidable association that threatens the throne and the altar--let hi with his hands full of proofs--let him show the documents and the lists of the conspirators, and the Marquis de Fongereues will become master of France Hethe throne and the altar!”

The Marquis rose hastily His eyes flashed

”And you say that this formidable secret is yours Cyprien?”

”I hold the threads of the plot in my hand!”

”And yet, you are ready to abandon the benefits which would assuredly be yours should you decide to make the revelation?”

”I am, first of all, your servant, sir!”