The Son Of Monte Cristo Part 18 (1/2)
A new incident now occurred
A post-chaise, drawn by vigorous horses, now dashed into the Square, and drew up before Master Schwann's inn
Before the worthy innkeeper could come down the steps to welcome the new arrival, another person had dashed past him This was the man, who, sheltered by his newspaper, had so closely watched all that was going on around hi his arentleman in the post-chaise, ”I see my letter reached you in time”
The new arrival is not unknown to our readers; it was he who, earlier in our tale, was known as the Vicomte de Talizac, and who to-day, by the death of the old Marquis, had been invested with all the titles of the Fongereues family
Ten years had elapsed since we last saw hiure is bent and his stern face covered rinkles
The ether they had concocted the criminal plan to which Simon fell a victim, and as a reward for his villainy, Cyprien had been made intendant instead of valet
The Marquis entered the inn and looked around suspiciously, but saw no one but Schwann, who stood hat in hand; he did not advance, as the frown of the Marquis was far fro
”Serve dinner in my room,” said Cyprien, and he showed the silent Marquis up-stairs
When Schwann had laid the table and placed the dinner upon it, Cyprien took hiain, unless I call you”
”Very good, sir”
”And this is not all; please do not gossip about my master If any one questions you, make no reply”
”What could I say?” asked Schwann ”I know nothing!”
”You e in suppositions, which I advise you to avoid”
”Zounds!” muttered Schwann, as he descended the stairs, ”all these airs displease reat lord!”
Cyprien looked up and down the corridor, and listened at the doors of the next rooms, to ascertain that they were empty
The Marquis, in the meantime, had thrown his hat and cloak on the bed
”We are alone?” he asked impatiently
”Yes, sir”
”Speak, then Your letter told me that you have found traces of that miserable Labarre”
”Yes, sir, and I trust you will be satisfied hat I have done”
”Did you see the man?”
”No, sir Your instructions were to avoid all contact with him I knoever, where to lay my hands on him”