The Son Of Monte Cristo Part 17 (1/2)
The dear Madalasses She was evidently a co-habit, looked about twenty Her hair was jet black, and curled over apluhty expression to her dainty features She looked as if she ht have stepped from out the frame of one of the pictures of Velasquez Her beauty was striking Fanfar grasped it, Caillette studied it
”Pray telllady to Gudel, ”if you have no seats where I can avoid contact with the crowd? I am ready to pay any sum you ask”
”Oh! we have but one price, ten sous”
The governess uttered a sed her shoulders iold pieces fro
”Take these,” she said, ”and do the best you can for me”
Gudel was puzzled and troubled
”Fanfar!” he called, ”have you time to construct a sort of private box for these ladies?”
Fanfar advanced, and when Caillette saw the ader, she clenched her little hands
”I don't think I quite understand,” he said
Irene replied:
”It is a very simple matter I desire to be present at your exhibition, and I do not care to ar herd”
Fanfar listened to these words very coldly, and then said:
”What you ask is impossible”
”I don't know about that,” interposed Gudel, quickly ”I think a private box could be quickly made with a few boards--”
”Only I refuse to make it,” said Fanfar
”You refuse?”
Irene started Caillette smiled and blushed
”And er, with a disdainful smile ”Why does----” She hesitated for the naain a few louis for his master?”
”Not his master,” said Gudel, hastily
”Let me speak,” interrupted Fanfar ”I will explain to the lady Our public are bourgeois and co us success Their hands are large, but they applaud well They are good people, and I do not wish to humiliate them To do what you ask would wound them deeply”
Irene listened, with a frown