Volume II Part 9 (1/2)
This apparatus consisted of a plank supported by two logs which stood upright in the centre of the circus In the centre of the plank was a windlass, froe hook
Fanfaro rolled an empty barrel under the plank and filled it with irons and stones weighing about three thousand pounds Thereupon the barrel was nailed up and the chain wound about it; strong iron rings, through which the chain was pulled, prevented it fro off
Girdel noalked up He wore a costuhts, and a chin-band fro He bowed to the spectators, seized the barrel with his chin hook and laid himself upon his back
Fanfaro stood next to his foster-father, and from time to time blew a blast with his trumpet At every tone the heavy cask rose a few inches in the air, and breathlessly the crowd looked at Girdel's perforht on a level with Girdel; the spectators cheered, but suddenly an o was heard, and while a cry of horror ran through the crowd, Fanfaro, quick as thought, sprung upon the cask and caught it in his arround Fanfaro let the heavy cask glide gently to the floor and then stood pale as death near the athlete The chain had broken, and had it not been for Fanfaro's timely assistance Girdel would have been crushed to pieces by the heavy barrel
The violent shock had thrown Girdel sohtened to stir, but soon spectators fro up and loud cries were heard
Caillette had thrown herself sobbing at her father's feet; Bobi+chel and Fanfaro busied theround, and Rolla uttered loud, roaring cries which no doubt were intended to express her grief Robeckal alone was not to be seen
”Oh, Fanfaro, is he dead?” sobbed Caillette
Fanfaro was silent and bent anxiously over Girdel; Rolla, on the other hand, looked angrily at the young man and hissed in his ear:
”Do not touch hi the virago an answer, Fanfaro looked sharply at her
The wretched wo his ear to Girdel's breast, exclaimed:
”Thank God, he lives!”
Caillette uttered a low moan and became unconscious; two soft hands were laid tenderly on her shoulders, and when the tight-rope dancer opened her eyes, she looked in Irene's face, as bending anxiously over her
Girdel still reantly carved bottle filled with s-salts, but even this was of no avail
”Wait, I knoill help hi out he returned with a bottle of strong brandy
With the point of a knife Fanfaro opened Girdel's tightly compressed lips; the clown poured a few drops of the liquid down his throat, and in a few h came from his breast When Bobi+chel put the bottle to his ht
”Hurrah, he is rescued!” exclaimed the clown, as he wiped the tears froly whispered: ”This time you reckoned without your host”
Rolla shuddered, and a look flew froht it proper to appear and co voice:
”Thank God that our brave master lives I dreaded the worst”
Schas crying like a child, threw a sharp look at Robeckal, and Fanfaro now said:
”Is there no physician in the neighborhood?”
”No, there is no physician in Sainte-Aney is several ney”
”Impossible, the floods have destroyed all the roads; you risk your life, Fanfaro,” said Schwan