Volume II Part 8 (1/2)
”Then you think Pierre Labarre knohere the major part of my father's fortune is?” asked the marquis
”Certainly He and no one else has it in safe keeping, and if you do not hurry up, the old hed This was not the first tiainst Pierre Labarre, but the old man had disappeared since the death of histime before Simon, the worthy assistant of the marquis, found out his residence
In theworse and worse At courtspeculations hich the marquis's na the proud old nae of the vico Countess of Salves, but this rescue rested on a weak footing, as a new escapade of ”The Talizac Buckle,” as the heir of the Fougereuse was ht destroy the planned union
Talizac was the hero of all the scandals of Paris; he sought and found his coions, and several duels he had fought had made his name, if not celebrated, at least disreputable
This was the position of the marquis's affairs when Simon found Pierre Labarre; the marquis was deter settled the affair, and as Simon now returned to the room with the host, his master exclaimed:
”Are the horses ready?”
”No, my lord; the Cure has overflowed in consequence of the heavy rains, and the road froney by any other way?”
”No, er so as to get increased prices for their services Have you tried to get horses?”
”Yes, e except the host owns any”
”Then buy the host's horses”
”He refuses to give , and o horses, refused to sell them to me”
”That looks almost like a conspiracy!” exclaimed the marquis
”I think so too, and if I am permitted an advice--”
”Speak freely; what do youwe can do is to start at once on foot If we hurry, we can reach Vagney this evening, and the rest will take care of itself”
”You are right,” replied the htened when he heard of their intention, but the marquis remained determined, and the tere soon on the road
”If no accident happens,” growled the host to himself, ”the Cure is a treacherous sheet of water; I wish they were already back again”
While theon their journey, Robeckal and Rolla hadwhispered conversation had made their plans They both hated Girdel, Caillette, Fanfaro and Bobi+chel, and their idea was to kill both Girdel and Fanfaro that very evening Caillette could be attended to afterward, and Bobi+chel was of no importance Rolla loved Robeckal, as far as it was possible for a person like her to love any one, and desired to possess hiht it would not be a bad idea to possess Girdel's business along with its stock, hich he ungallantly reckoned Rolla and Caillette Caillette especially he adh not to say a word to Rolla
”Enter, ladies and gentlemen, enter,” exclaimed Bobi+chel, as he stood at the box-office and cordially greeted the crowds of people