Volume II Part 7 (1/2)

Simon nodded

”But the vicomte,” he observed; ”his ed for the favors! Yes, ambles, the vicomte is always in a scrape, the vicomte is the hero of the worst adventures--and kind friends never fail to tell e will put a stop to all this business Have you heard anything further of the De Salves ladies?”

”Not est for miles about, and she herself is a beauty of the first class”

”So much the better Think of it, four millions! Oh, if this should be lost to us!”

”That will hardly be the case, Monsieur le Marquis; the e has been decided upon”

”Certainly, certainly, but then--if the old countess should find out about our pecuniary embarrassments all would be lost But no, I will not despair; Pierre Labarre must talk, and then--”

”Suppose he won't? Old people are sometimes obstinate”

”Have no fear, Simon, my ht, sir,” laughed Simon

”I can rely on you, then?”

”Perfectly so, sir If it were necessary I would pick it up with ten Pierres!”

”You will find ives the fortune to the Fougereuse and the vicomte becomes the husband of the countess, ill be saved”

”I know that you have brilliant prospects, my lord,” replied Simon, ”and I hope to win your confidence The last feeeks I had an opportunity to do a favor to the family of my honored master”

”Really? You arouse my curiosity”

”My lord, Monsieur Franchet honored me with his confidence”

The marquis looked in amazement at his steward; Franchet was the superintendent of police Recommended by the Duke of Montmorency, he was an especial favorite of the Society of Jesus The Jesuits had spun their nets over the whole of France, and the secret orders eirard Franchet had the reins of the police department in his hands, and used his power for the furtherance of the Jesuits' plans The amazement which seized the marquis when he heard that his steas the confidant of Franchet, was only natural; that Siereuse knew very well

”Go on,” he softly said, when Simon paused

”Thanks to the superintendent's confidence in me,” said Simon, ”I am able to secure a much more influential position at court for Monsieur le Marquis than he has at present”

”And how are you going to perform theMonsieur le Marquis to take part in ood of the monarchy”

”Speak more clearly,” ordered the marquis, briefly


Simon went close to his erous conspiracy against the state People wish to overturn the govern”