Chapter 187 - Major Recovery (1/2)
After taking the herb bath, the content in the tub was no longer similar to its original state. It was gooey like mud and darkened in color. Surprisingly, none of the content stuck to their skin as they exited the tub. Chen Mu quickly dried her body and dressed her up. After getting ready himself, he carried her out of the bathroom.
When Qian Ling saw Susu, she smiled and entered the bathroom. Checking the thickness of the herb bath, she nodded satisfyingly. ”This treatment is working better than I expect it would.” While Susu was in the tub for two hours, Lin Que and Chen Nan were brewing her medicine with pins clipped on their noses.
The herbs had an unpleasant fragrance to it, making them nauseous. If they couldn't stand smelling it, they could never comprehend how Susu dealt with drinking it. Just a sniff from the medicine and their mouths turned sour. The bitterness color and scent the medicine emitted had sent shivers down their spine.
”The medicine is ready.” Taking the bowl into Susu's room, Chen Nan handed it to Qian Ling. Smiling, Chen Nan said, ”Your complexion looks much better than before.”
Susu smiled back at his comment while Chen Mu helped her to a more comfortable position to take her medicine. The second the medicine slid through her lips; bitterness covered her mouth. She wasn't prepared for the bitter level and choked accidentally.
Qian Ling stopped her feeding actions and said, ”I changed the herbs for the regular medicine too. It's strengthened, so it's more bitter compared to the past bowls you drank.”
Chen Mu soothed Susu's back until she was ready to drink her medicine again. Chen Nan gulped when he saw how courageous Susu was. She finished the entire bowl within ten minutes. Chen Nan couldn't help but give her a thumbs up.
”Are you sleepy?” Chen Mu asked after wiping her lips.
She shook her head slightly, ”No. I want to sit for a bit.”
”Okay. I'll-” Before he could complete his sentence, Susu's back left his chest and bent forward. Her body trembled while her hand formed a fist, wrinkling her top. Whimpers escaped her mouth as low groans and tears warmed up her cheeks.
A tight wave of heat raged up from her stomach, wanting to escape her body. Her chest ached as she failed to force the content out of her body. She felt like she was seasick and the lingering dizziness kept hitting her repeatedly. Her lips parted as her throat felt like it was burnt on fire while attempting to get rid of something her body was allergic to.
Qian Ling shouted, ”Hold onto her! I need to take her pulse.” Holding her close to his chest, he heard her whisper, ”D..don't ..” Quickly pulling out her wrist, Qian Ling concentrated on her pulse.
”Get a bucket. Go grab a bucket anywhere and bring it over!” Qian Ling alerted Chen Nan. As soon as he heard her instructions, he ran out to the hallway and came back with an empty bucket. Bending Susu over, Qian Ling started patting her back harshly.