Part 20 (1/2)
I put the phone down. ”What am I twelve, Ma?”
Actually, with all of the texting back and forth we'd done tonight, I kind of felt like a kid again in the best way. Nina had a knack for making me forget all about my very adult troubles. Every moment spent with her, even when we weren't physically together, made me giddy.
I lifted myself off the ground and scrunched through the piles of giftwrap to join my mother on the couch. She handed me a small box.
”Let me guess...cufflinks?” I joked as I ripped it open. My smile faded, and I froze, staring mesmerized at the stainless steel dog tag chain in my hands. It was heavy, masculine, and the word etched onto the front caused a s.h.i.+ver to run down my spine: Nomads. That was the name of the local biker club my father belonged to back in Illinois. I turned it over and engraved onto the flipside were my initials: J.A.G.
My voice lowered to a whisper. ” this...”
She nodded with a haunting intensity in her eyes. ”It was his. He was wearing it the night he died.”
Suddenly, the metal seemed to weigh heavier in my hands. My fingers tingled as if the piece came alive upon that revelation, as if it were an actual part of my father. He used to always wear this. I'd a.s.sumed it was gone from this Earth forever, just like he was. Staring at it in awe, I brushed my thumb along the smooth plate.
”Did you just find this?”
”I've had it all these years, always knew I'd give it to you someday. He'd want you to have it. He'd already had your initials engraved on the back when he wore it. I didn't do that. He did.”
My eyes started to feel watery. ”You've kept it all this time. Why give it to me now?”
”I was waiting for a special time, maybe your thirtieth birthday, but the truth is, you've just made me so proud over the past few years, seeing everything you've gone through, how you've handled what life's thrown at you. I just didn't want to wait any longer.”
I proudly placed it over my head and around my neck. Pressing my hand over my chest, I said, ”Thank you. You have no idea how much I needed this right now.”
I hugged my mother tightly.
Max patted me on the back. ”Wear it in good health, son.”
I hadn't opened up to anyone in my family about Nina. The timing of this made me feel like somewhere out there, my dad knew my life was in turmoil, and that I needed this and in turn, needed him. Whether that was unfounded or not, wearing the chain would give me much needed strength.
My attention turned to my sister who was opening one of her presents from Cedric. It was a silver bracelet that had various charms dangling from it. He said he carefully selected ones that represented things that were special to them: a Gemini zodiac symbol, a dollar bill, a b.u.t.terfly and several others. Allison would not stop gus.h.i.+ng about it, and it made me wonder whether Nina would like something like that.
When my sister discarded the box, I discreetly s.n.a.t.c.hed it and memorized the website where you could go online and customize one. While a bracelet might have seemed too personal a gift for someone who wasn't officially my girlfriend, I still had the urge to make her one even if I had to hold onto it for a while or worse, never had the chance to give it to her.
My nieces were busy playing with their new toys upstairs, and the rest of the family had gone into the dining room for some of Allison's chocolate pecan pie. I took the opportunity to sneak into the study and flipped open Cedric's laptop, pulling up the website for the bracelet company. You could drag the charms you wanted onto the virtual silver band for an image of what your finished product would look like. I'd chosen several charms that reminded me of her: a plane, a pair of dice, a little bat. This was seriously the sappiest thing I'd ever done in all of my nearly twenty-five years, though.
The sound of Cedric's deep intentional cough caused me to jump in the swivel chair.
”Well, well, well. What do we have here?”
I said nothing as he leaned over my shoulder, his cologne pungent. I wanted to close out of the screen, but d.a.m.n it, that would have caused me to lose all the work I'd put into the design.
”I've been summoned to do some digging to find out whether our suspicions were correct, but you've made my job way too easy, brother.”
”Summoned by whom?”
”Your dear sister and mother. They're convinced there's a girl in the picture because of the way you've been acting. Now, clearly, unless you've taken a liking to wearing female jewelry, this proves they were right.”
Having Cedric around was like having an older brother. With my dad being gone, I was really grateful that my sister married a cool guy that I didn't mind opening up to.
I let out a deep breath, rolled my eyes and conceded. ”I'm so screwed, man.”
”Nice t.i.ts?”
I pulled my phone out and scrolled down to the one selfie I'd taken of us during our trip to Chicago. ”That's her.”
”She's cute.” He leaned against the desk and crossed his arms. ”It's a lot more than that, though, isn't it?”
”How could you tell?”
”Watching you tonight made me think back to my own lovesick Christmas once. It was the one right after I'd met Allison. You reminded me of how I was that year, the way you were sitting by the fire alone earlier deep in thought, checking your phone constantly, smiling to yourself like a lunatic. You're so wrapped up in a love fog, you don't realize that everyone around you can see it plain as day.”
”Yeah.” He laughed.
My tone turned serious. ”This girl...she makes me feel alive. I don't want to lose this feeling. I'm terrified.”
He realized what I was getting at. ”She doesn't know about Ivy yet...”
”No. I'm telling her after the New Year.”
Cedric nodded in understanding. ”You know I was hiding a pretty d.a.m.n big secret when I met your sister.”
”That's an understatement.”
”Well...yeah. What our story proves, though, is that love can sustain some pretty f.u.c.ked up s.h.i.+t. Do you think what you're feeling is love?”
”I haven't labeled what I'm feeling. It's not something I've ever experienced before. How do you know exactly?”