Part 12 (1/2)
apex ye.
_hexagonus W.
heptagonus_ Haw.
monstrsus sp. br. _re. wh._ S. Am. 1816 D.S.S.
eburneus Salm. sp. slen. ...... 1818 D.S.S.
tetragonus Flaw. sp. 10-12 br. .. ----- 1710 D.S.S.
*amblygonus sp. ext. 7-cent. .. B. Ayres 1836 D.S.S.
1 dk. br.
_Caule_ 3-6-_angulari erecto_.
_Systematic English Form of Name. Name. Stems, &c._ ------------------+-----------------+----------------- laetevirens Salm. br. green 3-5 an. ribs com.
obtusus Haw. obtuse 3-5 an. ribs ott.
Pitahaya Jacq. Pitahaya 3-ang.
variabilis Ott. variable 3-an. ribs com.
pentagonus five-ang. 5-ang.
_Systematic No. and Colour of Col. of Native Year of Name. Spines. Flower. Country. Introduc._ -----------------+-----------------+---------+--------+----------- laetevirens Salm. sp. 6-9 br. .. ...... ---- D.S.S.
obtusus Haw. sp. 6-8-br. ye. _wh. gr._ ...... ---- D.S.S.
Pitahaya Jacq. sp. 7-9 erect .. Cartha. ---- D.S.S.
ye. br.
variabilis Ott. sp. 6-8 br. ye. .. ...... 1836 D.S.S.
pentagonus sp. wh. y. .. S. Am. 1769 D.S.S.
_Systematic English Form of Name. Name. Stems, &c._ ------------------+-----------------+---------------- Deppei Ott. Deppi's 6-ang. ribs obt.
propinquus Salm. allied 5-ang. ribs obt.
leptacanthus DC. thin-spined 5-ang.
_Systematic No. and Colour of Col. of Native Year of Name. Spines. Flower. Country. Introduc._ ----------------+------------------+--------+--------+---------- Deppei Ott. sp. 8-9 wh. .. Mexico 1826 D.S.S.
propinquus Salm. sp. 6-7 wh. ye. .. ...... ---- D.S.S.
leptacanthus DC. sp. elon. wh. ye. .. ...... ---- D.S.S.
apex br.
_Caule_ 5-11-_angulari erecto_.
_Systematic English Form of Name. Name. Stems, &c._ --------------------+-----------------+----------------- repandus DC. repand 8-9 an. rib. und.
_aureus_ _yellow-spined_ subrepandus Haw. subrepand 7-8 ang.
c[oe]rulescens n.o.b. blue 8-9 ang. glau.
*glaucescens glauces. 5-8 an. ribs obt.
fimbriatus DC. fimbriated 8-ang. ribs obt.
eriophorus H. Berol. woolly 8-ang. ribs obt.
divaricatus DC. divaricated 8-10 an. r. obt.
serpentinus Haw. serpentine 11-ang.