Part 11 (1/2)
_Systematic No. and Colour of Col. of Native Year of Name. Spines. Flower. Country. Introduc._ ---------------+-------------------+--------+--------+---------- senilis Haw. sp. elong. wh. _re._ Mexico 1823 D.S.S.
hairs elon.
_Caule_ 9-11-_angulari erecto_.
_Systematic English Form of Name. Name.Stems, &c._ --------------------+-----------------+------------- lanuginosus L. woolly 9-ang. gl.
Royeni Haw. Royen's. 9-ang. glauc.
_gloriosis_ Salm.
_Systematic No. and Colour of Col. of Native Year of Name. Spines. Flower. Country. Introduc._ ----------------+------------------+--------+---------+----------- lanuginosus L. sp. ye. _wh._ W. Indies 1699 D.S.S.
Royeni Haw. sp. slen. _wh._ S. Amer. 1728 D.S.S.
ye. br.
_gloriosis_ Salm.
_Caule_ 5-10-_angulari erecto_.
_Systematic English Form of Name. Name. Stems, &c._ ------------------+-----------------+--------------- albispinus Salm. white sp. 9-10-an. r. obt crenulatus Salm. crenulated 9-ang. cren.
_gracilior_ Salm. slender 9-10-ang.
nigricans dark 8-an. rib. den.
niger Salm. black 7-an. r. compr.
Haworthii D.C. Haworth's 5-ang. r. obt.
flavispinus Haw. yellow-sp. 7-10-an. ri. ob.
fulvispinosus Ha. tawney-sp. 9-an. sulca.
*Russellia.n.u.s Duke of Bed. 6-7-ang. cren.
_Systematic No. and Colour of Col. of Native Year of Name. Spines. Flower. Country. Introduc._ -----------------+------------------+--------+---------+---------- albispinus Salm. sp. wh. apex ye. .. S. Amer. .... D.S.S.
crenulatus Salm. sp. wh. apex ye. .. W. Indies 1822 D.S.S.
gracilior Salm. sp. wh. apex bk. .. ...... 1835 D.S.S.
nigricans sp. 10-12 br. .. ...... 1835 D.S.S.
niger Salm. sp. 9-12 ye. .. S. Amer .... D.S.S.
Haworthii D.C. sp. 9-10 br. .. Caribees 1811 D.S.S.
flavispinus Haw. sp. 11-13 ye. .. W. Indies 1822 D.S.S.
fulvispinosus Ha. sp. br. thick .. S. Amer. 1795 D.S.S.
*Russellia.n.u.s sp. bk. short. .. Demarara 1836 D.S.S.
cen. 1 ang.
_Caule_ 4-10-_angulari erecto_.
_Systematic English Form of Name. Name. Stems, &c._ ------------------+-----------------+----------------- Hystrix Salm. porcupine 8-9-ang.
strictus W. erect 8-9-an. rib. com.
pellucidus Ott. pellucid 5-ang. r. com.
Olfersii Ott. Olfers's 9-ang. r. com.
spinibarbis Ott. bearded 9-10 ang. obt.
undulatus Haw. waved 4-ang. r. com.
*nigrospinus dark-sp. 7-ang. r. obt.
*heteracanthus va. col. sp. 4-5-ang.