Part 10 (1/2)
_Systematic No. and Colour of Col. of Native Year of Name. Spines. Flower. Country. Introduc._ ----------------+----------------------+-------+--------+---------- Gilliesii sp. 20 transp. .. Mexico 1830 D.S.S.
formosus H. ang. sp. 15-18. re. br. .. ------ .... D.S.S.
*thelephorus sp. 12-15 ye. br. .. ...... 1834 D.S.S.
gladiatus DC. sp. 10. centr .3 elon. .. ...... 1836 D.S.S.
_Systematic English Form of Name. Name. Stems, &c._ ------------------+-----------------+----------- exsculptus Ott. exsculpted ribs 16.
*Anconia.n.u.s Anconian ribs 16.
*spinosissimus many-sp. ribs 14-15.
*echinatus hedge-hog. lik. ribs 19.
*oxyacanthus sharp-sp. ribs 16.
*cylindricus cylindrical ribs 12. 18.
_SystematicNo. and Colour of Col. of Native Year of Name. Spines. Flower. Country. Introduc._ ---------------+----------------------+--------+--------+----------- exsculptus sp. dense ye. apex .. ...... 1836 D.S.S.
Ott. br.
*Anconia.n.u.s sp. ext. wh. cent. 4. .. Ancona 1834 D.S.S.
dk. br.
*spinosissimus sp. ext. wh. c. 7-8. .. ...... ---- D.S.S.
re. br. elon.
*echinatus sp. li. br. elong. .. Mexico 1830 D.S.S.
*oxyacanthus sp. ext. ye. cent. .. ...... ---- D.S.S.
9-10. re. br.
*cylindricus sp. ext. wh. cent. .. Mexico 1836 D.S.S.
li. br.
_Systematic English Form of Name. Name. Stems, &c._ ------------------+-----------------+----------- scpa Ott. broom. stm. cyl.
_spinis-albis_ _white-spined_
_Systematic No. and Colour of Col. of Native Year of Name. Spines. Flower. Country. Introduc._ ----------------+---------------------+-------+--------+---------- scpa Ott. sp. den. ex. wh. ct. _ye._ Brazil 1826 D.S.S.
1-3. dk. pu.
_spinis-albis_ .. .. .. .. _ye._ ------ 1836 D.S.S.
_CE'REUS. CE'REUS_. Cal. of many leaves, imbricated on an elongated tube, exterior sepals short, the middle and inner ones coloured and petal-like. Stam. numerous. Style filiform, the apex many parted. Berry tuberculated, and scaly.
_Systematic English Form of Name. Name. Stems, &c._ ---------------------------+-----------------+----------- oxygonus Ott. furrowed ribs 13-15.
_Echin. sulcatus._ Hort Eyriesii Turp. Eyries's. ribs 16.
_Echin. Eyriesi._ turbinatus Pfr. turbinated ribs 16.
_Echin. turbinatus_ Hort.
multiplex Ott. many-fold. ribs 13.
_Echin. multiplex_ leucanthus Gill. white ribs 8-9.
_Echin. ambiguus hort. Melocact. ambiguus._ Ht.
tubiflorus Pfr. tube-fld. ribs 12.