Volume II Part 64 (1/2)

_Chambersburg, Pennsylvania_, retaliatory measures inflicted on, 531, 532.

_Chancellorsville_, forces of the enemy converge near, from the fords of the Rapidan, 357; Anderson's rear-guard attacked by cavalry, 357; Lee moves toward, 358; turns the enemy's right, 358; a position of great natural strength a.s.sumed by the enemy, 358; his lines, 358, 359; effort to turn his right flank and gain his rear, 359; to be done by Jackson with three divisions, 359; success of the movement, 359, 360; the attack in front, 360; Jackson wounded, 360; battle renewed next day, 361; the enemy retreats toward the Rappahannock, 361; strengthens his position, 361; attack from Fredericksburg on Lee's rear, 362, 363; battle near Salem Church, 363; attack renewed on Hooker, 364; enemy recross the river, 364; losses, 364; strength, 365; a brief and forcible account of the battle, 365, 366.

_Change of plans_, necessary after the fall of Fort Donelson, 39.

”_Change of base_,” by McClellan, explanation of, by the Comte de Paris, 104.

_Charge_, against the Government of the United States, 454.

_Charleston Harbor_, the Confederate naval force in, 204; its strength and efficiency, 204; exploit of the ironclads Palmetto State and Chicora, 206; number of torpedoes in the harbor, 208; evacuated by General Hardee, 629; occupied by the enemy's forces, 630; condition of Fort Sumter, 630.

_Chattanooga_, Grant arrives after the battle of Chickamauga and a.s.sumes command, 434; his description of the situation, 434; his operations, 435; movements of General Hooker, 435; arrival of Sherman, 435; attack made by the whole force of the enemy's center, 436; get possession of rifle-pits at the foot of Missionary Ridge, and commence the ascent of the mountain, 436; our forces withdraw, 436; losses, 436; occupied by the enemy, 429.

_Chickahominy River_, its character and course, 122; rising from heavy rains, 124; position of General Sumner, 124.

_Chickamauga_, Bragg concentrates at, 429; forms his line of battle, 430; commencement of the contest, 430; movements of the forces, 431; Confederate troops engaged, 431; Bragg reorganizes his command, 432; strength of the opposing forces, 432; Bragg's order of battle, 432; movement of troops, 433; enemy yields along the whole line, 433; withdraws at night, 433; his losses, 433.

CHILTON, Colonel R H., remarks on the talents of General Lee, displayed in the preparation and command of his army, 129.

_Cincinnati_, alarm at the approach of General E. K. Smith, 382.

_Citizens_, Southern, confined in cells to await the punishment of piracy, 2; peaceful, an indiscriminate warfare waged upon, 2.

_Citizen's life_, is it in danger? the State guarantees protection, 451; his personal liberty is guaranteed by the State, 451; his property guaranteed from unlawful seizure and destruction by the State, 452.

_Citizens.h.i.+p and the ballot_ is wholly within the control of each State, 729; efforts of Congress to wrest it from each Confederate State to confer on the negroes, 729.

_Civil government in Maryland_, overthrown by the military force of the United States, 461.

_Clarence, The_, fitted out as a tender to the Florida, 261.

CLEBURNE, Major-General, killed at the battle of Franklin, 577.

_Coast defenses_, the system adopted, 78; topography of the coast, 78; description of the fortifications constructed, 79; several points captured by the enemy, 79; state of affairs when General Lee a.s.sumed command of the Department of the Carolinas and Florida, 80; his plans for coast defenses, 80; the system he organized, 80; its success, 81.

COBB, General HOWELL, arranges a cartel for the exchange of prisoners with General Wool, 587.

COLBURN, Colonel, captured at Spring Hill by Generals Van Dorn and Forrest, 426.

_Cold Harbor_, fearful carnage of Grant's soldiers, 524; they sullenly and silently decline to renew the a.s.sault, 524.

_Columbia, South Carolina_, approach of General Sherman's army, 627; the Mayor surrenders the city, 627; infamous disregard of the established rules of war, 627; the city burned, 627; attributed by Sherman to an order of General Hampton to burn the cotton, 627; denied by General Hampton, 627; his letter, 628; other atrocities of Sherman's army, 629.

_Columbus, Kentucky_, threatened by the enemy, 18.

_Combinations of insurrectionists,_ the Southern people declared to be, by the United States Government, 2.

_Conciliatory terms_ offered by the Governor of a State for the sake of peace, rejected by the United States Government, 2.

_Confederate Government_, early efforts to buy s.h.i.+ps, 245; the lawfulness of its maritime acts demonstrated, 269; its acts relative to cruisers sustained and justified by international law, 274; by the interpretations of American jurists, 274; by antecedent acts of the United States Government, 274; instances, 275, 276.