Volume II Part 63 (1/2)
_Anomaly among Governments_, the Government of the United States, 453.
_Arkansas_, proceedings to inst.i.tute a State Government inaugurated by order of President Lincoln, 302; his order, 303; the State Const.i.tution amended by a.s.sumption, or by a.s.suming it to be amended, 303; movements in the northern part of the State, 304; further proceedings, 304; vote for Article XIII of the United States Const.i.tution, 304; fraud triumphant, 304.
_Arkansas, The ram_, fight at the mouth of the Yazoo, 242; enters the Mississippi and runs through the enemy's fleet, 242; description of the vessel, 243; destined for attack on Baton Rouge, 243; failure of her engines, 244.
_Arms and munitions of war_ manufactured in the United States for Turkey in her late war with Russia, 276.
_Army of Northern Virginia_, changes of position before Richmond, 101; re turns to the vicinity of Richmond after McClellan reached Westover, 152.
_Army of Tennessee_ under General A. S. Johnston, its strength after fall of Donelson, 39; moves to Murfreesboro, 39; its concentration, 39; joins Beauregard at Corinth, 39.
_Army of the United States_, new generals a.s.signed to command, and new departments created, 18; under General McClellan--its size when reported to be crippled for want of reenforcements, 106; size of our army, 106.
_Army of Virginia_, order of President Lincoln creating, 135; the commander, and the forces, 135.
ASHBY, General TURNER, commands rear-guard, 112; attacked by Fremont's cavalry, 112; killed, 112; remarks of General Jackson, 112.
_a.s.sertion, An_, often made during the war, 451.
_Atlanta, The_, a cruiser's name changed to Tallaha.s.see, 265; commanded by Commander John Taylor Wood, 265; her cruise along the New England coast, 265.
_Atlanta_ evacuated by General Hood, 563; surrendered by the Mayor to General Sherman, with the promise that non-combatants and private property should be respected, 563; Order of Sherman directing all civilians, mole and female, living in Atlanta to leave the city within five days from September 5th, 564; Vain appeals of the Mayor and corporate authorities for a modification of the order, 561; reply of Sherman, 564.
_Atrocities of the war_: letter of the President to General Lee, 315; In the Shenandoah Valley, 531; retaliation of General Early, 531; Butler's proceedings in New Orleans, 232; Pope's military orders in Virginia, 313; Sherman's expulsion of the inhabitants of Atlanta, 564; march to Savannah, 570; Sherman's burning of Columbia, 627; the order of President Lincoln to military commanders, 588; order of General Pope, 588; letter of General Lee to General Halleck, 589; efforts of General Hunter to inaugurate a servile war, 589: proceedings of Brigadier-General Phelps, 589; do. of General Butler, 589; extracts from the official report of Major-General Butler to the Committee on the Conduct of the War relative to the exchange of prisoners, 603; extract from the message to the Confederate Congress, in August, 1862, 707; do. in January, 1863, 707; varied stages of the war, 708; atrocities of Major-General Hunter in the Shenandoah Valley, 709; statement of Rev. John Bachman of the devastations of the enemy in South Carolina, 710-715.
_Attrition, The policy of_, can hardly be regarded as generals.h.i.+p, or be offered to military students as an example worthy of imitation, 526.
BACHMAN, Rev. Dr. JOHN, statement of the devastations of the enemy in South Carolina, 710-715.
BANKS, Major-General N. P., exclamation of relief on his escape from Jackson across the Potomac, 106; succeeds General Butler at New Orleans, 289; expedition into the Red River country, 541; his force, 543; battles at Mansfield and Pleasant Hill, 543, 544; obtains cotton in the Red River country, 545.
BARKSDALE, Brigadier-General WILLIAM, commands the force placed at Fredericksburg to resist the enemy's crossing, 353.
BARRON, Captain SAMUEL, commands at Hatteras Inlet, 77; is bombarded by the enemy's fleet, and capitulates, 77.
BARRY, Colonel WILLIAM S., commander of the burial party at Corinth, 390; his reception by General Rosecrans, 390.
_Baton Rouge_, its importance, 243; occupied by the enemy, 243; attacked, 244; failure of entire success by the breakdown of the ram Arkansas, 244.
_Battalion of cadets_, their services at Richmond, 665.
BEAUREGARD, General P. G. T., takes command in West Tennessee, 51; moves to Corinth, 51; states cause of delay of movements toward s.h.i.+loh, 55; report of result of first day's battle of s.h.i.+loh, 60; his force at Corinth, 73; his estimate of the enemy, 73; retreats to Tupelo, 74; declines to let Bragg go to Mississippi, 74; his health.
74; certificates of his physicians, 74; transfers the command to General Bragg and retires to Bladen Springs. 75; statement of the case, 765 in command near Drury's Bluff, 511; interview with the President, 511; position of the forces, 512; movements of the enemy, 513; the affair at Drury's bluff, 513; his proposal for a campaign, 514; a.s.signed to the military division of the West, 566; retreats toward North Carolina, 630; decides to march to the eastern part of the State, 630; effect of this move, 630; modifies his proposed movement, 631.
_Beaver Dam_, its naturally strong position near Mechanicsville, 134; engagement near, 134.
_Belligerents_--in no instance from the opening to the close of the war did the United States Government speak of us as belligerents, 278; why was it? 278; the signification of the word, combined with existing circ.u.mstances, expressed something it was in no degree willing to admit before the world, 278; its war was against the people within the limits of the Confederate States, and were they a mob or organized political communities? 279; then it was a war against the States which the world could not justify, 279; opinion of Justice Green, of the United States Supreme Court, 281; case of the Santissima Trinidad, 281.
BENJAMIN, JUDAH P., Secretary, letter to General A. S. Johnston, 40; report on the proceedings of Generals Floyd and Pillow requested, 40.