Part 11 (1/2)
MUS. Ay, sir, I know you by sight.
STEP. You sold me a rapier, did you not?
MUS. Yes, marry did I, sir.
STEP. You said it was a Toledo, ha?
MUS. True, I did so.
STEP. But it is none.
MUS. No, sir, I confess it, it is none.
STEP. Gentlemen, bear witness, he has confest it.
By G.o.d's lid, an you had not confest it --
LOR. JU. Oh, cousin, forbear, forbear.
STEP. Nay, I have done, cousin.
PROS. Why, you have done like a gentleman, he has confest it, what would you more?
LOR. JU. Sirrah, how dost thou like him?
PROS. Oh, it's a precious good fool, make much on him: I can compare him to nothing more happily than a barber's virginals; for every one may play upon him.
MUS. Gentleman, shall I intreat a word with you?
LOR. JU. With all my heart, sir, you have not another Toledo to sell, have you?
MUS. You are pleasant, your name is Signior Lorenzo, as I take it?
LOR. JU. You are in the right: 'Sblood, he means to catechise me, I think.
MUS. No, sir, I leave that to the Curate, I am none of that coat.
LOR. JU. And yet of as bare a coat; well, say, sir.
MUS. Faith, Signior, I am but servant to G.o.d Mars extraordinary, and indeed (this bra.s.s varnish being washed off, and three or four other tricks sublated) I appear yours in reversion, after the decease of your good father, Musco.
LOR. JU. Musco, 'sblood, what wind hath blown thee hither in this shape?
MUS. Your easterly wind, sir, the same that blew your father hither.
LOR. JU. My father?
MUS. Nay, never start, it's true, he is come to town of purpose to seek you.
LOR. JU. Sirrah Prospero, what shall we do, sirrah?