Part 10 (1/2)
BOB. Signior, I must tell you this, I am no general man, embrace it as a most high favour, for (by the host of Egypt) but that I conceive you to be a gentleman of some parts, I love few words: you have wit: imagine.
STEP. Ay, truly, sir, I am mightily given to melancholy.
MAT. O Lord, sir, it's your only best humour, sir, your true melancholy breeds your perfect fine wit, sir: I am melancholy myself divers times, sir, and then do I no more but take your pen and paper presently, and write you your half score or your dozen of sonnets at a sitting.
LOR. JU. Ma.s.s, then he utters them by the gross.
STEP. Truly, sir, and I love such things out of measure.
LOR. JU. I'faith, as well as in measure.
MAT. Why, I pray you, Signior, make use of my study, it's at your service.
STEP. I thank you, sir, I shall be bold, I warrant you, have you a close stool there?
MAT. Faith, sir, I have some papers there, toys of mine own doing at idle hours, that you'll say there's some sparks of wit in them, when you shall see them.
PROS. Would they were kindled once, and a good fire made, I might see self-love burn'd for her heresy.
STEP. Cousin, is it well? am I melancholy enough?
LOR. JU. Oh, ay, excellent.
PROS. Signior Bobadilla, why muse you so?
LOR. JU. He is melancholy too.
BOB. Faith, sir, I was thinking of a most honourable piece of service was perform'd to-morrow, being St.
Mark's day, shall be some ten years.
LOR. JU. In what place was that service, I pray you, sir?
BOB. Why, at the beleaguering of Ghibelletto, where, in less than two hours, seven hundred resolute gentlemen, as any were in Europe, lost their lives upon the breach: I'll tell you, gentlemen, it was the first, but the best leaguer that ever I beheld with these eyes, except the taking in of Tortosa last year by the Genoways, but that (of all other) was the most fatal and dangerous exploit that ever I was ranged in, since I first bore arms before the face of the enemy, as I am a gentleman and a soldier.
STEP. So, I had as lief as an angel I could swear as well as that gentleman.
LOR. JU. Then you were a servitor at both, it seems.
BOB. O Lord, sir: by Phaeton, I was the first man that entered the breach, and had I not effected it with resolution, I had been slain if I had had a million of lives.
LOR. JU. Indeed, sir?
STEP. Nay, an you heard him discourse you would say so: how like you him?
BOB. I a.s.sure you (upon my salvation) 'tis true, and yourself shall confess.
PROS. You must bring him to the rack first.
BOB. Observe me judicially, sweet Signior: they had planted me a demi-culverin just in the mouth of the breach; now, sir, (as we were to ascend), their master gunner (a man of no mean skill and courage, you must think,) confronts me with his linstock ready to give fire; I spying his intendment, discharged my petronel in his bosom, and with this instrument, my poor rapier, ran violently upon the Moors that guarded the ordnance, and put them pell-mell to the sword.