Part 12 (2/2)
”A little,” Kerry replied. ”More like an ache,” she added. ”I don't think anything's seriously damaged.”
”Thank you for your opinion, Dr. Stuart,” Dar remarked dryly.
”Did you hit your head anywhere?” She slid her fingers up into*79 Kerry's thick, blonde hair and felt for any telltale b.u.mps.
”No, I don't think so,” Kerry said. ”I'm just sore-that water was brutal.”
Dar stroked the back of her neck and gave her a pat. ”Well, that's what you get for being a hero,” she told her partner. ”You scared the sense out of me, you know that, right?”
Kerry rolled over and stretched out her body, putting her head in Dar's lap and looking up at her. ”I scared the sense out of me, too,” she replied. ”I realized in mid air just what an incredibly stupid thing I was doing.”
Dar's smile was fleeting.
Kerry studied Dar's face, seeing the residual tension in it. Her eyes were bloodshot and there was a deep furrow between her brows. She lifted her hand and touched Dar's cheek. ”Do heroic things always seem so dumb?” Kerry asked. ”I mean, when you think about what you did?”
Dar let her hand rest on Kerry's stomach, her thumb rubbing gently against the soft skin above her belly b.u.t.ton. ”Um.” She exhaled, letting some of the tension dissipate. ”It's a lot like pitching new technology.”
Kerry blinked. ”Huh?”
”If it works, you're a visionary genius; if it doesn't, you're a whacko,” Dar explained. ”You saved that guy's life-and it took a ton of guts to do it. You took a chance, and it worked.”
”Just like I took a chance going through those reefs, and it worked,” Dar added quietly. ”If it hadn't, we'd be in real trouble right now, and if the waves hadn't broken right, you could have been in real trouble when you jumped.” Dar cleared her throat, then leaned over and picked up the coffee, took a sip of it.
”Catching cold already?” Kerry teased, hearing the hoa.r.s.e note in Dar's usually mellow tone.
”No.” Dar put the cup down. ”I was screaming your name so loud I lost my voice for a while.” She sighed, her shoulders unlocking and slumping a little. She lifted a hand and rubbed her temples. ”I think I'll have some of those Advil, too.”
”Tell you what.” Kerry heaved herself up off the couch. She tied her robe closed again, then took her cup of coffee and gulped down a mouthful. ”Instead of drugs, how about we get you out of those wet clothes, and get us both into that nice, dry, soft bed.”
”Yeah,” Dar agreed. ”That sounds great.” She stood up and stretched, wincing at the pops as her back and shoulders released their wound up tension. ”Hope that storm us.”
”G.o.d, me too.” Kerry stifled a yawn. ”I want a nice, peaceful night's cuddle with you before we have to figure out what the heck is going on around here.”
”Cuddle,” Dar mused. ”Yeah. I think I need a cuddle,” she admitted. ”I feel sandblasted.”
Kerry captured Dar's hand and led her toward the bedroom.
Inside, she turned and unbuckled the belt holding up Dar's shorts, unb.u.t.toned them, and let them drop to the cabin floor. The dim light in the room threw Dar's face into shadows, but Kerry could hear her still-tense exhalation as she stripped off her short-sleeved denim s.h.i.+rt and tossed it onto the dresser.
Kerry removed her robe as Dar slipped out of her swimsuit.
She set the robe down as Dar sat down on the bed and moved over to give Kerry s.p.a.ce to climb in next to her.
It was dark with the hatches shut, and very quiet. The boat was rocking gently, its violent pitching just a fading memory as Kerry carefully lowered herself onto the soft surface. She reached for Dar, and found open arms waiting as they slid together into a tangled embrace. They both sighed, then chuckled.
”What a day,” Dar said with a yawn.
”Mm.” With her ear pressed against Dar's chest, Kerry could hear her heart beat. As she listened, one hand idly stroking Dar's side, the beats slowed and the tense body beside her relaxed, as did her own. ”Hey, Dar?” she asked after a little while.
”Hm?” Dar's low murmur answered.
”Do you think those guys were just looking for a quick score?”
Kerry asked, her mind still churning despite her exhaustion. ”The pirates? Maybe they just saw an expensive boat, out at night, all alone.”
Dar was quiet for a bit, apparently thinking. ”Maybe,” she replied eventually. ”Boat this size, out this far...could be.”
Kerry yawned again, her eyes closing against her will. ”But you don't think so, do ya?”
”Given that their yacht could financially eat this one for breakfast?” Dar snorted softly. ”Let you know tomorrow once I get a database run on 'em,” she replied, rubbing Kerry's back lightly.
It was quiet again for a while. Kerry kept her eyes closed, but sleep was kept at bay by recent memories of the night. ”Dar?” she whispered.
”Yes?” Dar seemed wide-awake.
”I didn't jump into the water to be a hero or anything stupid like that.”
”I know.” Dar stroked Kerry's cheek. ”I didn't think you did,”
she replied. ”Something had to be done, you were there, and you did it.”
”Yeah.” A pause. ”Is that how it is with you, when you do stuff like this?”
”Stuff like what?”
”Heroic stuff. Like that time you stopped those carjackers and*81 saved me; that kind of stuff.” Kerry said. ”Or what you told me you did for that lady in that bar when you were younger.”
”Ah...” Dar cleared her throat. ”Yeah.” She sounded vaguely sheepish. ”Yeah, I guess it is.”
”Mmph.” Kerry drew in a breath, then released it with a contented grunt.
The boat rocked. Thunder rumbled softly in the distance. Peace draped at last over two sorely tested souls.
LESSON ONE. KERRY regarded her reflection in the mirror with critical eyes. Heroism hurts. She put her hands on her hips and shook her head at the truly spectacular purple, green and red mark right across her stomach. ”Glad I never went for the bikini look,”