Part 13 (1/2)

she remarked after a moment, chuckling and scrubbing her hands through her hair before she smoothed it down into some semblance of order. Breathing too deeply was painful and her back was stiff, but she suspected she'd survive-with a couple of painkillers and a dose of relaxing on the deck.

It was sunny and breezy outside, and a good night's sleep had restored most of her good humor. She brushed her teeth and slipped into an emerald green, one-piece swimsuit. ”There.” She took a cautious breath, then released it. ”That sure looks better.”

Her eyes flicked over her body, now so used to her heavier, more muscular form that it was hard really to remember what she used to look like before she met Dar.

She gave herself a nod of approval, then emerged into the boat's main cabin. Dar was curled up on the couch-a tray of coffee, biscuits, and cut up fruit next to her on the table, and a magazine folded in her hand. ”Hey, sweetie.”

”Howdy.” Dar laid the magazine down and s.h.i.+fted, nudging the tray toward her partner.

Kerry took a croissant, neatly split it, applied b.u.t.ter and jam to its surfaces, and retired to the couch herself, snuggling up in back of Dar and draping herself over her partner's lower body. ”Mm.”

She nibbled her breakfast. ”Whatcha reading?”

Dar held up the Unix systems administration periodical.

”Nerd.” Kerry chortled softly, shaking her head. ”Feeling better this morning?”

Dar stifled a yawn. ”Yeah, a little sleepy, though,” she said, reaching over to tug a bit of Kerry's hair. ”What about you?”

”Well,” Kerry swallowed a mouthful, ”it hurts, I won't deny that.” She licked a flake from her lips. ”But in kind of a weird way, it feels good, because I know it was for a good cause.”

”Huh.” Dar flexed her hand absently, a faint smile crossing her*83 lips. ”I never thought of it like that, but yeah. I remember the morning after you got carjacked, when I couldn't even close my fist.” She gazed at her fingers.

Kerry obligingly captured Dar's hand and pulled it closer, kissing it. ”You were amazing.”

”Ahem.” Dar cleared her throat. She put down her magazine and pulled the tray closer, dumped cream and sugar into a cup, then topped it with a little coffee. ”I'll be glad to get to St. Johns.”

She took a sip. ”The place we're going to has great food, and better views.”

”Ooh.” Kerry accepted the subject change gracefully, giving Dar a fondly knowing look.

”And I really want to get a line on those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds.”

Kerry grinned. ”Thought there was an ulterior motive there.”

She neatly took the cup from Dar's fingers, took a sip, and then put it back. ”But that's okay, because I want to know more about them too.” She rested her chin on Dar's hip, grinning happily.

”You're in a good mood,” Dar observed.

”Yeah, I guess I am,” Kerry agreed. ”Storm and terror-filled nights do that to me, I guess.” She paused, her brow creasing.

”Once they're behind me.”

”Uh huh.” Dar regarded her drolly. ”I'll have to remember that.”

”Of course,” Kerry drew a fingertip slowly down Dar's thigh, ”hedonistic nights full of love and snuggling put me in an even better mood.” She batted her blonde lashes at her partner. ”Make sure you put that down, too.”

Dar chuckled. ”I knew that already,” she drawled, running her fingers through Kerry's hair and watching green eyes close in pleasure. ”Shall we get this tub ready to go?”

Kerry wriggled closer, squeezing in behind Dar until they were wrapped around each other. She rested her chin on Dar's shoulder and blew lightly into her ear. ”How about we just take it easy for a while?” she whispered, watching the pale blue eyes inches from her blink and close slightly. ”You in a rush?”

Dar eased over onto her back, then turned toward Kerry and slid her body up against her partner's. She pulled Kerry closer and kissed her gently, letting one hand slide down to rest at her waist.

”No rush,” she answered, rubbing noses with Kerry playfully. ”But I just want to remind you that all the windows are open, and the gangway's down.”

”Eerrwwooough.” Kerry growled deep in her throat. ”What a dilemma.” She gave an exaggerated sigh. ”Indulge my libido, or retain my upright Midwestern reputation.” Outside, the deck creaked and Kerry's eyes widened as she started.

Dar snickered. ”You can take the girl out of the corn...”


”I'll corn you.” Kerry leaned forward and kissed her pa.s.sionately, feeling Dar's body react as she pulled Kerry into a tight hug. Her ribs protested gently but she ignored them, preferring to concentrate on the jolt of sensual reaction that rapidly warmed her. Her hands eagerly explored Dar's body, her fingers sliding up under Dar's tank top to trace her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. The soft surface pressed up against her as Dar inhaled, and she found herself short of breath, as well, as she felt Dar's touch high up on the inside of her thigh.

Oh, to h.e.l.l with my reputation. Kerry felt her swimsuit straps slide off her shoulders as she pulled Dar's s.h.i.+rt up, feeling the heat as their skin met and her weight pressed down against Dar's body.

”Hey!” A voice outside erupted suddenly. ”Anyone home?”

Kerry found herself nose to nose with a lethally frustrated Dar, whose darkened blue eyes and definite snarl perfectly captured how Kerry herself was feeling. ”Arggghh.” She released the groan softly as she let her head drop to rest against Dar's collarbone.

”That about covers it,” Dar sighed. ”Oh boy.” She cleared her throat and swallowed, attempting to collect her composure. She raised her voice. ”Be right there.” Then she added in a quiet but heartfelt tone, ”You G.o.dforsaken son of a b.i.t.c.h.”

Kerry started laughing. ”Bookmark this,” she advised her partner. ”For later.” With another groan, she reluctantly untangled herself from Dar's body and stood up, eased her straps back into place, and rubbed her face to clear the flush she knew was coloring it. ”Jesus.”

Dar stretched out on the couch and yawned, then curled up like a large, half- naked cat. She picked up her forgotten coffee cup and sipped at it, watching Kerry over the rim with a seductive look.

”You're not helping.” Kerry ran her hands through her hair. ”I take it you want me to go greet our guest.”

”You invited him,” Dar drawled.

”Yeah, what was that all about?” Kerry slapped herself on the side of the head, and continued to do so as she walked towards the cabin door. ”Curse my parents for raising me with manners.”

With a chuckle, Dar leaned back against the pillow on the couch and enjoyed Kerry's s.e.xy little swagger as she ducked through the entrance and went out onto the stern deck. She heard Kerry greet their rescued mariner and she sighed as she rested her head on the soft fabric. ”Curse you, Stuart.”

”MORNING.” KERRY LIFTED a hand to wave at the man standing on the dock. Bob was dressed in khaki shorts a little too big for him, and the polo s.h.i.+rt he'd been wearing the night before.

In the daylight, his slightly round, cheerful face and curly hair*85 presented a picture of a reasonably good-looking man about Kerry's age. ”C'mon aboard.”

Bob took her up on her invitation and crossed the gangplank.

”Thanks. Good morning to you,” he replied, as his eyes took in her swim-suited body. Politely, he glanced away. ”Weather cleared up at least, huh?”

Kerry turned and surveyed the clear horizon. ”Sure did.” She smiled. ”We're not really ready to get underway yet. Want to come in and grab some coffee?”

”That'd be great. Thanks.” He returned her smile warmly.

”” He glanced around, then back at her. ”I really want to thank you again, for what you did last night.”

Kerry felt a curious mixture of pleasure and embarra.s.sment. ”I was glad to help,” she said. ”I'm really happy everything turned out all right.”

”Me, too,” Bob replied easily. ”But it wouldn't have, if it hadn't been for you.” He courteously held the door for her. ”I won't forget that.”