Part 16 (1/2)



When Lawry and Ethan returned to the Goblins in the afternoon, they were delighted to find that the casks, all of which had been placed under the guards abaft the wheel, had actually produced an effect upon the steamer. The smokestack stood up more perpendicularly, indicating that the stern had been lifted from the bottom. Ethan was sure that the casks would bring the _Woodville_ to the surface; but a very serious difficulty now presented itself.

About two-thirds of the length of the steamer's keel rested on a flat rock, whose surface was inclined downward toward the body of the lake, leaving the third next to the stern unsupported, under which the ropes had been easily drawn to retain the casks in their places.

Of course it was impossible to draw any lines under the forward part of the keel, which rested on the flat rock, and it was necessary to devise some means for securing the casks to this portion of the hull.

”I have it,” said Lawry.

”What is it?”

”We must sink more casks under the stern.”

”But that will bring one end up, and leave the other on the rock.”

”That isn't what I mean. If we put, say, two more hogsheads under the stern, they will raise it so we can get the ropes under the forward part of the hull.”

”I understand; you are right, Lawry,” replied Ethan.

When they returned to the ferry-house, they found Mr. Sherwood and the ladies there, who had come down to ascertain what progress had been made in the work. Ben Wilford had freely expressed his opinion that the enterprise would end in failure.

”Those boys know too much; that's all the trouble,” said Ben.

”I was in hopes they would succeed in their undertaking,” added Mr.


”So was I, sir; but there's no chance of their doing anything. I know something about steamboats, for I've been at work on them for three years.”

”And you are quite sure they will fail?” asked Mr. Sherwood.

”Just as sure as I am of anything in this world. I told them what the trouble would be; but they know so much they won't hear me. I told them how it ought to be done.”

”Here they come; they can speak for themselves,” said Mr. Sherwood.

”How do you get along, Lawry?”

”First-rate, sir.”

”Indeed! Your brother thinks you are going to make a failure of the job.”

”Perhaps we are, sir; but we don't believe it yet--do we, Ethan?”

”We don't.”

”Lawry, wouldn't you be willing to sell out your interest in the _Woodville_ at a small figure?” laughed Mr. Sherwood.

”No, sir!”

”Your brother, who seems to be a person of some experience in such matters, thinks you will not be able to raise the steamer. If that is likely to be the case, I don't want you to waste your time and strength for nothing. I should be glad to employ some men to raise the _Woodville_ for you.”