Part 15 (1/2)

”You're smart, Lawry; but you can't raise that steamer with those casks in seven years.”

”I'll have her on the top of the water by to-morrow night,” said the young pilot.

”No, you won't.”

”You see! But we must go to work, Ethan.”

”That's just my idea,” said the engineer.

”Then you don't want me to do the job?” added Ben.

”No, I think not,” replied Lawry, rather coldly.

”I think my way is the best.”

”Perhaps it is; but I don't know what your way is.”

”I'll tell you, Lawry, for I don't like to have you waste your time and strength doing nothing; besides, we want the steamer as soon as we can get her, or the season will be over.”

”What do you mean by we, Ben?” asked Lawry quietly.

”Why, you and me, of course. I know something about steamers, and perhaps I should be willing to go captain of your boat, if you ever get her into working order.”

”Perhaps you would,” answered Lawry.

”Of course you mean to use the boat for the benefit of the family, now the old man is jugged and can't do anything more for them.”

”To be sure I do.”

”I'm willing to do my part. You can be the pilot, and the other fellow can be the engineer.”

”And we can both of us have the privilege of obeying your orders,”

laughed Lawry.

”Well, I shouldn't be likely to interfere with you; your place would be in the wheel-house.”

”And yours in the cabin, Captain Wilford. I can't stop to talk about this now. There comes Ethan with the cask.”

”You might as well stop this foolish work first as last,” sneered the would-be captain of the _Woodville_. ”I was going to tell you how to raise her.”

”Go on; we'll hear you, and work at the same time,” said Ethan.

”I should get two of those ca.n.a.l-boats, having about eight feet depth of hold,” continued Ben.

”Where would you get them?” demanded Lawry.

”Get them? Hire them, of course. You can get plenty of them at Port Henry.”