Part 15 (1/2)

* In his reminiscences in The Return.

At the very start Smith's revelations failed to ”come true.” An amusing instance of this occurred before the Mormon Bible was published. While the ”copy” was in the hands of the printer, Grandin, Joe's brother Hyrum and others who had become interested in the enterprise became impatient over Harris's delay in raising the money required for bringing out the book. Hyrum finally proposed that some of them attempt to sell the copyright in Canada, and he urged Joe to ask the Lord about doing so. Joe complied, and announced that the mission to Canada would be a success. Accordingly, Oliver Cowdery and Hiram Page made a trip to Toronto to secure a publisher, but their mission failed absolutely. This was a critical test of the faith of Joe's followers. ”We were all in great trouble,” says David Whitmer,* ”and we asked Joseph how it was that he received a 'revelation' from the Lord for some brethren to go to Toronto and sell the copyright, and the brethren had utterly failed in their undertaking. Joseph did not know how it was, so he inquired of the Lord about it, and behold, the following 'revelation' came; through the stone: 'Some revelations are from G.o.d, some revelations are of man, and some revelations are of the Devil.'” No rule for distinguis.h.i.+ng and separating these revelations was given; but Whitmer, whose faith in Smith's divine mission never cooled, thus disposes of the matter, ”So we see that the revelation to go to Toronto and sell the copyright was not of G.o.d.” Of course, a prophet whose followers would accept such an excuse was certain of his hold upon them. This incident well ill.u.s.trates the kind of material which formed the nucleus of the church.

* ”Address to All Believers in Christ,” p. 30.

Smith never let the previously revealed word of the Lord protect any of his flock who afterward came in conflict with his own plans. For example: On March 8, 1831, he announced a ”revelation” (Sec. 47), saying, ”Behold, it is expedient in me that my servant John [Whitmer]

should write and keep a regular history” of the church. John fell into disfavor in later years, and, when he refused to give up his records, Smith and Rigdon addressed a letter to him,* in connection with his dismissal, which said that his notes required correction by them before publication, ”knowing your incompetency as a historian, that writings coming from your pen could not be put to press without our correcting them, or else the church must suffer reproach. Indeed, sir, we never supposed you capable of writing a history.” Why the Lord did not consult Smith and Rigdon before making this appointment is one of the unexplained mysteries.

* Millennial Star, Vol. XVI, p. 133.

These ”revelations,” which increased in number from 16 in 1829 to 19 in 1830, numbered 35 in 1831, and then decreased to 16 in 1832, 13 in 1833, 5 in 1834, 2 in 1835, 3 in 1836, 1 in 1837, 8 in 1838 (in the trying times in Missouri), 1 in 1839, none in 1840, 3 in 1841, none in 1842, and 2, including the one on polygamy, in 1843. We shall see that in his latter days, in Nauvoo, Smith was allowed to issue revelations only after they had been censored by a council. He himself testified to the reckless use which he made of them, and which perhaps brought about this action. The following is a quotation from his diary:--

”May 19, 1842.--While the election [of Smith as mayor by the city council] was going forward, I received and wrote the following revelation: 'I Verily thus saith the Lord unto you my servant Joseph, by the voice of the Spirit, Hiram Kimball has been insinuating evil and forming evil opinions against you with others; and if he continue in them, he and they shall be accursed, for I am the Lord thy G.o.d, and will stand by thee and bless thee.' Which I threw across the room to Hiram Kimball, one of the counsellors.”

Thus it seems that there was some limit to the extent of Joe's effrontery which could be submitted to.

We shall see that Brigham Young in Utah successfully resisted constant pressure that was put upon him by his flock to continue the reception of ”revelations.” While he was prudent enough to avoid the pitfalls that would have surrounded him as a revealer, he was crafty enough not to belittle his own authority in so doing. In his discourse on the occasion of the open announcement of polygamy, he said, ”If an apostle magnifies his calling, his words are the words of eternal life and salvation to those who hearken to them, just as much so as any written revelations contained in these books” (the two Bibles and the ”Doctrine and Covenants”).

Hiram Page was not the only person who tried to imitate Smith's ”revelations.” A boy named Isaac Russell gave out such messages at Kirtland; Gladdin Bishop caused much trouble in the same way at Nauvoo; the High Council withdrew the hand of fellows.h.i.+p from Oliver Olney for setting himself up as a prophet; and in the same year the Times and Seasons announced a pamphlet by J. C. Brewster, purporting to be one of the lost books of Esdras, ”written by the power of G.o.d.”

In the Times and Seasons (p. 309) will be found a report of a conference held in New York City on December 4, 1840, at which Elder Sydney Roberts was arraigned, charged with ”having a revelation that a certain brother must give him a suit of clothes and a gold watch, the best that could be had; also saluting the sisters with what he calls a holy kiss.” He was told that he could retain his members.h.i.+p if he would confess, but he declared that ”he knew the revelations which he had spoken were from G.o.d.” So he was thereupon ”cut off.”

The other source of Mormon belief--the teachings of their leading men--has been no more consistent nor infallible than Smith's ”revelations.” Mormon preachers have been generally uneducated men, most of them ambitious of power, and ready to use the pulpit to strengthen their own positions. Many an individual elder, firm in his faith, has travelled and toiled as faithfully as any Christian missionary; but these men, while they have added to the church members.h.i.+p, have not made its beliefs.

Smith probably originated very little of the church polity, except the doctrine of polygamy, and what is published over his name is generally the production of some of his counsellors. Section 130 of the ”Book of Doctrine and Covenants,” headed ”Important Items of Instruction, given by Joseph the Prophet, April 2, 1843,” contains the following:--

”When the Saviour shall appear, we shall see him as he is. We shall see that he is a man like ourselves....

”The Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man's; the Son also; but the Holy Ghost has not a body of flesh and bones, but is a personage of spirit. Were it not so, the Holy Ghost could not dwell in us.”

An article in the Millennial Star, Vol. VI, for which the prophet vouched, contains the following:--

”The weakest child of G.o.d which now exists upon the earth will possess more dominion, more property, more subjects, and more power in glory than is possessed by Jesus Christ or by his Father; while, at the same time, Jesus Christ and his Father will have their dominion, kingdom and subjects increased in proportion.”

One more ill.u.s.tration of Smith's doctrinal views will suffice. In a funeral sermon preached in Nauvoo, March 20, 1842, he said: ”As concerning the resurrection, I will merely say that all men will come from the grave as they lie down, whether old or young; there will not be 'added unto their stature one cubit,' neither taken from it. All will be raised by the power of G.o.d, having spirit in their bodies but not blood.”*

* Millennial Star, Vol. XIX, p. 213.

In ”The Latter-Day Saints' Catechism or Child's Ladder,” by Elder David Moffat, Genesis v. 1, and Exodus x.x.xiii. 22, 23, and xxiv. 10 are cited to prove that G.o.d has the form and parts of a man.

The greatest vagaries of doctrinal teachings are found during Brigham Young's reign in Utah. In the way of a curiosity the following diagram and its explanation, by Orson Hyde, may be reproduced from the Millennial Star, Vol. IX, p. 23:--

[Ill.u.s.tration: Order and Unity of the Kingdom of G.o.d 162]