Part 14 (1/2)

”And that ye might escape the power of the enemy, and be gathered unto me a righteous people, without spot and blameless:

”Wherefore, for this cause I give unto you the commandment that ye should go to the Ohio; and there I will give unto you my law; and there you shall be endowed with power from on high; and from thence whomsoever I will shall go forth among all nations, and it shall be told them what they shall do; for I have a great work laid up in store, for Israel shall be saved.... And they that have farms that cannot be sold, let them be left or rented as seemeth them good.”

A sufficient reason for the removal was the failure to secure converts where Smith was known, and the ready acceptance of the new belief among Rigdon's Ohio people. The Rev. Dr. Clark says, ”You might as well go down in the crater of Vesuvius and attempt to build an icehouse amid its molten and boiling lava, as to convince any inhabitant in either of these towns [Palmyra or Manchester] that Joe Smith's pretensions are not the most gross and egregious falsehood.”*

* ”Gleanings by the Way.”

The Rev. Jesse Townsend of Palmyra, in a reply to a letter of inquiry about the Mormons, dated December 24, 1833 (quoted in full by Tucker), says: ”All the Mormons have left this part of the state, and so palpable is their imposture that nothing is here said or thought of the subject, except when inquiries from abroad are occasionally made concerning them.

I know of no one now living in this section of the country that ever gave them credence.”


The Mormons teach that, for fourteen hundred years to the time of Smith's ”revelations,” there had been ”a general and awful apostasy from the religion of the New Testament, so that all the known world have been left for centuries without the Church of Christ among them; without a priesthood authorized of G.o.d to administer ordinances; that every one of the churches has perverted the Gospel.”* As ill.u.s.trations of this perversion are cited the doing away of immersion for the remission of sins by most churches, of the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost, and of the miraculous gifts and powers of the Holy Spirit. The new church presented a modern prophet, who was in direct communication with G.o.d and possessed power to work miracles, and who taught from a Golden Bible which says that whoever a.s.serts that there are no longer ”revelations, nor prophecies, nor gifts, nor healing, nor speaking with tongues and the interpretation of tongues,... knoweth not the Gospel of Christ” (Book of Mormon ix. 7, 8).

* Orson Pratt's ”Remarkable Visions,” No. 6.

It is impossible to decide whether the name ”Mormon” was used by Spaulding in his ”Ma.n.u.script Found,” or was introduced by Rigdon. It is first encountered in the Mormon Bible in the Book of Mosiah xviii. 4, as the name of a place where there was a fountain in which Alma baptized those whom his admonition led to repentance. Next it occurs in 3 Nephi v. 20: ”I am Mormon, and a pure descendant of Lehi.” This Mormon was selected by the ”author” of the Bible to stand sponsor for the condensation of the ”records” of his ancestors which Smith unearthed. It was discovered very soon after the organization of the Mormon church was announced that the word was of Greek derivation,

[Ill.u.s.tration: Greek 153]

meaning bugbear, hobgoblin. In the form of ”mormo” it is Anglicized with the same meaning, and is used by Jeremy Collier and Warburton.* The word ”Mormon” in zoology is the generic name of certain animals, including the mandril baboon. The discovery of the Greek origin and meaning of the word was not pleasing to the early Mormon leaders, and they printed in the Times and Seasons a letter over Smith's signature, in which he solemnly declared that ”there was no Greek or Latin upon the plates from which I, through the grace of G.o.d, translated the Book of Mormon,” and gave the following explanation of the derivation of the word:

* See ”Century Dictionary.”

”Before I give a definition to the word, let me say that the Bible, in its widest sense, means good; for the Saviour says, according to the Gospel of St. John, 'I am the Good Shepherd'; and it will not be beyond the common use of terms to say that good is amongst the most important in use, and, though known by various names in different languages, still its meaning is the same, and is ever in opposition to bad. We say from the Saxon, good; the Dane, G.o.d; the Goth, G.o.ds; the German, gut; the Dutch, goed; the Latin, bonus; the Greek, kalos; the Hebrew, tob; the Egyptian, mo. Hence, with the addition of more, or the contraction mor, we have the word Mormon, which means literally more good.”

This lucid explanation was doubtless entirely satisfactory to the persons to whom it was addressed.

In the early ”revelations” collected in the ”Book of Commandments” the new church was not styled anything more definite than ”My Church,”

and the t.i.tle-page of that book, as printed in 1833, says that these instructions are ”for the government of the Church of Christ.” The name ”Mormons” was not acceptable to the early followers of Smith, who looked on it as a term of reproach, claiming the designation ”Saints.” This objection to the t.i.tle continues to the present day. It was not until May 4, 1834, that a council of the church, on motion of Sidney Rigdon, decided on its present official t.i.tle, ”Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.”

The belief in the speedy ending of the world, on which the t.i.tle ”Latter-Day Saints” was founded, has played so unimportant a part in modern Mormon belief that its prominence as an early tenet of the church is generally overlooked. At no time was there more widespread interest in the speedy second coming of Christ and the Day of Judgment than during the years when the organization of the Mormon church was taking place. We have seen how much attention was given to a speedy millennium by the Disciples preachers. It was in 1833 that William Miller began his sermons in which he fixed on the year 1843 as the end of the world, and his views not only found acceptance among his personal followers, but attracted the liveliest interest in other sects.

The Mormon leaders made this belief a part of their early doctrine.

Thus, in one of the first ”revelations” given out by Smith, dated Fayette, New York, September, 1830, Christ is represented as saying that ”the hour is nigh” when He would reveal Himself, and ”dwell in righteousness with men on earth a thousand years.” In the November following, another ”revelation” declared that ”the time is soon at hand that I shall come in a cloud, with power and great glory.” Soon after Smith arrived in Kirtland a ”revelation,” dated February, 1831, announced that ”the great day of the Lord is nigh at hand.” In January, 1833, Smith predicted that ”there are those now living upon the earth whose eyes shall not be closed in death until they shall see all these things of which I have spoken” (the sweeping of the wicked from the United States, and the return of the lost tribes to it). Smith declared in 1843 that the Lord had promised that he should see the Son of Man if he lived to be eighty-five (Sec. 130).* When Ferris was Secretary of Utah Territory, in 1852-1853, he found that the Mormons were still expecting the speedy coming of Christ, but had moved the date forward to 1870. All through Smith's autobiography and the Millennial Star will be found mention of every portent that might be construed as an indication of the coming disruption of this world. As late as December 6, 1856, an editorial in the Millennial Star said, ”The signs of the times clearly indicate to every observing mind that the great day of the second advent of Messiah is at hand.”

* Speaking of W. W. Phelps's last years in Utah, Stenhouse says: ”Often did the old man, in public and in private, regale the Saints with the a.s.surance that he had the promise by revelation that he should not taste of death until Jesus came.” Phelps died on March 7, 1872.

As the devout Mohammedan* from earth to a heaven of material bliss, so the Mormons are taught that the Saints, the sole survivors of the day of judgment, will, with resurrected bodies, possess the purified earth. The lengths to which Mormon preachers have dared to go in ill.u.s.trating this view find a good ill.u.s.tration in a sermon by arson Pratt, printed in the Deseret News, Salt Lake City, of August 21, 1852.

Having promised that ”farmers will have great farms upon the earth when it is so changed,” and foreseeing that some one might suggest a difficulty in providing land enough to go round, he met that in this way:--