Part 10 (1/2)
”Yes, Captain, just as you ordered.”
”I gave no such order.”
”Denis was under the impression you had. He placed her in there.”
Simon swore and stalked toward the carpenter's cabin with young Paul right behind him.
Preparing for the voyage had required Simon's undivided attention. And therefore, he'd purposely avoided Angelica. He'd refused to be interrupted from the final meetings with his commanders, or distracted from the important communiques he had to write to his spies in Fouquet's household-communiques that would be surrept.i.tiously delivered along with the proceeds from the five wars.h.i.+ps.
Merde. This was the last thing he wanted to deal with. The capture of La Estella Blanco was imminent. He couldn't have his mind clouded with l.u.s.t at a time like this.
The moment he went belowdecks, he could hear the commotion coming from her cabin. Loud, devastating thuds from a heavy object bas.h.i.+ng against the door. What was she using? A chair? The table?
Dieu, the bed?
He understood now why Paul had felt compelled to report her behavior.
Simon reached the door. Paul stopped well back. ”D-Do you wish me to a.s.sist, Captain?”
Another loud slam crashed against the door.
”Is that you?” Angelica shouted. ”Are you there?” She gave the door a lesser blow, perhaps with her fist.
Simon glanced at Paul. The younger man s.h.i.+fted his weight from one foot to the other, looking as though he wanted to bolt rather than deal with this one irate woman.
Simon cleared his throat. ”Yes,” he said.
”I knew you were unsavory, but I never knew that you were a coward too! Do you hear me? You are a worthless COWARD!” Her words seem to resonate through the entire s.h.i.+p.
Paul's mouth fell agape, then closed, then opened once more.
She smashed another object against the abused door.
Paul jumped. ”Wh-What do you wish to do, Captain?” he whispered.
”Come in here and face me, coward! Or are you afraid?”
Knowing she was looking to provoke him, Simon forced himself to draw in a deep breath and exhale slowly before he spoke. ”Paul.”
The young man obeyed immediately, disappearing into the galley.
”Why send him away?” She kicked the door. ”Don't you need others to do your dirty work for you? Are you certain you have the courage to come in here alone?” Wood splintered against the door with the intensity of a thunderclap.
Jesus-Christ. He seized the door handle. ”That's enough! You've done enough damage-”
”No! You have done the damage! Open this door!” She struck the door and gave a cry as if in pain.
His anger drained away the moment he realized she'd injured herself.
He unlocked the door and s.n.a.t.c.hed it open.
She stood in the middle of the cabin, holding her hand. Her head was down and her hair, arranged in a cascade of dark curls, was mussed. But it was her gown, and not the chaotic condition of the room, that froze his breath in his throat.
Deep blue, trimmed with pale yellow ribbons, it accentuated her female attributes in the most mouthwatering way-her body clearly defined before him for the first time. His c.o.c.k hardened.
Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s rose and fell rapidly with her quickened breaths, the creamy skin above the bodice holding him transfixed. The temptation to run his fingers along the delicate scoop of the decolletage was overwhelming. He wanted to pull the strand of pale yellow ribbon resting so temptingly between those pretty b.r.e.a.s.t.s and stroke the silky skin that beckoned and beguiled him.
For a reckless moment, he considered finis.h.i.+ng what they had started two days ago. If he'd had any idea she'd be this s.e.xually inciting in finery, he'd never have taken the horrible gray garment away. What was he thinking? Was he looking to punish himself in new, excruciating ways?
Her head snapped up. She stepped forward. The sting of her palm against his cheek instantly cleared the fog of l.u.s.t. Not exactly the type of greeting he generally received from a woman.
He caught her wrists just in time to avoid another blow. Clearly, she was back to fully despising him.
Simon twisted her easily around and held her securely, restricting her fight. ”Easy. Allow me to explain...”
”How dare you lock me in here! You've no authority over Gabriella and me!” Her soft bottom squirmed vigorously as she tried to break free of his hold. ”I'll not be governed by you. Let go of me.” She kicked him in the s.h.i.+n. His grunt of pain did little to appease her. She yanked her arm free. Twisting her upper body, she landed another open palm to his cheek.
He swore. ”Enough, Angelica! Calm down.” He turned her around to face him just as she jerked away from him. His boot caught on the leg of an overturned broken chair. They tumbled down, landing on the bed that had been shoved to the middle of the cabin.
Grasping her wrists, he pressed them against the mattress and eased his body over hers, his weight muting her thras.h.i.+ng. Dieu. She wouldn't stop writhing, trying to twist out of his grasp, and the friction against his engorged c.o.c.k was making his blood pump faster. Hotter.
”You're a liar! Overbearing, insufferable, and cold-hearted! You've no regard for others. You care nothing about the suffering you inflict!”
”Enough.” Simon squeezed her wrists to punctuate his command, her accusations bothering him more than she could ever know.
She stopped abruptly, panting, her cheeks pink. ”You've taken my clothes, my friend, my freedom.” Between ragged breaths, she tossed at him, ”You said we would be treated as before, yet you forced me to stay in my chambers and now lock me in this cabin. I won't stand for this. I won't let you treat me this way.”
He saw the hint of emotional pain in her eyes he'd never detected before.
d.a.m.n it. It hadn't been his intention to cause her such distress.
He eased himself off her slightly; his body immediately balked. The pressure in his p.r.i.c.k was immense, his c.o.c.k rioting for release.
Clamoring for her.
She turned her face away, her mouth all but brus.h.i.+ng his thumb, her warm, rapid breaths caressing his hand. ”You are proficient at duplicity. I cannot believe I thought, even for a moment, you to be an honorable man.”
Those words cut deep.
He was unable to muster a defense. There was no honor to him. He owned no honorable name. Or position. And now he was forced to put her through this voyage because of his predicament, his choices in life.
He released her wrists and turned her face to his.
”Angelica...” He wanted...what? Her body? More? Her understanding? Her trust? He terminated his thoughts, unwilling to delve further. ”I'm sorry, chere. You were not supposed to be locked in here. As for the rest, they were done out of necessity.”
”Necessity? What have you done with Gabriella?”