Part 9 (1/2)

”There is no need to be afraid. Angelica is fine, I a.s.sure you.” He kept his tone gentle, not wis.h.i.+ng to have the overly emotional woman in hysterics, knowing she'd be no good to him then. ”Tell me, have you and Angelica been treated well here?”


”Well then, if my intentions toward either of you were malevolent, would I be so obliging? Did I not help Angelica at the convent? Attend to her well-being and yours? Did I not give you new gowns?”

”Yes... You've been kind.”

”Has Domenico not been kind, attentive, and maybe even a little...taken with you?”

She blushed. The threat of tears, thankfully, had disappeared. ”He's been very nice.” Her tone and manner were a clear indication of her budding romantic interest in his commander.

Simon found himself, for the first time, a little envious of Domenico. His conscience wasn't burdened as Simon's was, and he didn't carry the weight of leaders.h.i.+p on his shoulders. Domenico followed his orders, and his own personal desires, unenc.u.mbered. He was free to pursue Gabriella if he wished. He could offer as much or as little as he wanted.

Simon's life was a mess, and thanks to his involvement with Fouquet, corrupted. All he was prepared to offer any woman was a night of casual diversions. Angelica was desirable and definitely worth having, but his soul was blackened enough without compounding his misdeeds by taking her virginity just to satisfy his own selfish wants.

”Is it true what Domenico says? You are not pirates?”

”No, we are not.”

She gave him a slight smile.

Encouraged by her reaction, he continued. ”We are returning home in a few days. Have you heard of the West Indies?”

”Yes. I've heard.”

”I would like you and Angelica to come with us. The weather there is mild. The island of Marguerite is quite beautiful. You will stay with us as our guests for a while. I know Domenico would like it very much if you would come. What say you?”

She blushed again. ”I think I would like that.”

”Excellent. Now then, Gabriella, you've told me a little about the convent. Can you tell me a little more?”

”All right.”

”I know that within the convent there is an orphanage. Were you a part of the orphanage, Gabriella?”


”How long have you been at the convent?”

”Since I was a small child. Fever claimed both my parents' lives. The good Sisters at the convent provided me with a home.”

”I'm sorry for your loss. It was undoubtedly a difficult time for a young girl.”

She gave him a sad shrug.

”What about Angelica? When did she enter the convent?”

”Ten years ago, when she was fourteen and I was thirteen.”

”Did you receive schooling there?”

”Yes. Madre Caterina, G.o.d rest her soul, insisted we learn to read and write.”

”And Angelica learned to read and write there as well?”

”No. She already knew how when she came to us. She would often help the younger girls.”


Gabriella brightened. ”Angelica is a wonderful teacher. You should see her work with the children. They adore her. And her singing.”

His head was suddenly filled with the haunting song she had sung that night in the chapel. It was a sound he hadn't been able to forget.

”Madre Caterina used to say that Angelica would make a truly wonderful nun one day.”

Simon fought back his sudden urge to oppose the notion vehemently. ”Oh? Why do you say that?”

”Why, she's kind, always selfless, always giving an encouraging word to all at the convent. Angelica is very bright too. She is the most intelligent person I know. Why, she will look at something and see it seven different ways that wouldn't even occur to me.”

He held back a smile at Gabriella's praise of her friend. ”What about Angelica's parents? What do you know about them?”

Gabriella lowered her eyes. ”Not much. I know that Angelica adored them and that her father died first, followed by her mother sometime later.”

”What else?”

”That is all.”

Simon raised his eyebrows. ”All? What were their names? What is Angelica's full name?” His questions rushed out quick and sharp, fatigue threatening his patience.

”I-I do not know...”

Her words yanked him to his feet, his chair backwards against the wooden floor. Gabriella started, her eyes growing wide.

”Do you expect me to believe that you don't know the ident.i.ty of a female whom you claim to be as close to as a sister?” he asked, incredulous. ”You know nothing of her family, who they were, what they were?”

She shook her head. ”N-No, I do not.”

He pressed his palms down on the table between them. ”You. Lie.”

She burst into tears. ”I do not lie! I-I asked her once, years ago. It caused her such obvious pain and upset that I never asked again.” Tears continued to spill freely down her cheeks. ”I would never cause her the slightest suffering. Whatever happened sometime in the first years of her life was obviously very difficult. It matters not to me or anyone else at the convent what her name is.”

He couldn't believe this! ”Do you know where she was born? Where she lived before coming to the convent? How she came to learn French?”

”No. No. No! She arrived during the night, ten years ago. I-I was completely unaware that she understood your language.”

”It wasn't taught in the convent?”