Part 30 (1/2)
[730] App. _Bell. Civ_. i. 26. Plut. (_C. Gracch_. 16) states that Flaccus fled to a bathroom ([Greek: _eis ti balaneion_]).
[731] Dionys. viii. 80.
[732] Plut. l.c.
[733] Val. Max. iv. 7. 2; [Victor] _de Vir. Ill_. 65; Oros, v. 12.
Plutarch (l.c.) gives he second name as Licinius.
[734] Plut. l.c.
[735] [Victor] l.c.
[736] Translated ”Grove of the Furies” by Plutarch; cf. Cic. _de Nat.
Deor_. iii. 18. 46. The true name of the grove was Lucus Furrinae, named after some G.o.ddess, whose significance was forgotten (Varro _L. L_. vi.
19 Nunc vix nomen notum paucis). See Richter _Topographie_ p. 271.
[737] Plut. _C. Gracch_. 17. Cf. Val. Max. vi. 8. 3.
[738] Plin. _H.N_. x.x.xiii. 3. 48. Cf. Plut. l.c.; [Victor] l.c.; Florus ii. 3 (iii. 15).
[739] Oros. v. 12.
[740] Oros. l.c. Opimius consul sicut in bello fortis fuit ita in quaestione crudelis. Nam amplius tria milia hominum suppliciis necavit, ex quibus plurimi ne dicta quidem causa innocentes interfecti sunt.
Plutarch (l.c.) gives three thousand as the number actually slain in the tumult. Orosius (l.c.) gives the number slain on the Aventine as two hundred and fifty. For the severity with which Opimius conducted the _quaestio_ see Sall. _Jug_. 16. 2, 31. 7; Vellei. ii. 7.
[741] Plut. l.c.
[742] Dig. xxiv. 3. 66. The pa.s.sage speaks of Licinia's dowry; yet Plutarch (l.c.) says that this was confiscated.
[743] In Plutarch's Greek version (C. Gracch, 17) [Greek: _ergon aponoias_] (vecordiae) [Greek: _naon h.o.m.onoias_] (concordiae) [Greek: _poiei_].
[744] Cf. Neumann _Geschichte Roms_. p. 259.
[745] Plut, _C. Gracch_, 18.
[746] Plut. _C, Gracch_, 19.
[747] Plin. _H.N_. x.x.xiv. 6. 31.
[748] Hence the establishment of the _praefecti jure dicundo_, sent to the burgess colonies and _municipia_.
[749] Arist. _Pol_. iv. 6, p. 1292 b.
[750] The choice of the month of July as the date for elections seems to be post-Sullan. See Mommsen _Staatsr_. i. p. 583. During the Jugurthine War consular elections took place, as we shall see, in the late autumn or even in the winter.
[751] Suet. _Caes_. 42.
[752] If some of the Gracchan a.s.signments were thirty _jugera_ each (p.
115). The larger a.s.signments of earlier times had been from seven to ten _jugera_. See Mommsen in C.I. L. i. pp. 75 foll.