Part 5 (1/2)
It convinced him. He climbed onto the bed with her, shucking his tunic and loosening the laces of his s.h.i.+rt as he went. Kneeling beside her, he quickly flipped her over onto her belly and tugged the robe off her completely. It went to the floor also. He stopped, frozen for a moment by the sight of her completely nude body. She was long and quite lean, but her round derriere flared nicely. The smooth expanse of her back showed another scar up near her shoulder, but that did nothing to mar the splendor of her shape. Her damply curling hair spilled partly over it, making a pleasing contrast between the dark locks and the pale skin. Her bottom had the same smooth, white flesh.
It would look even sweeter with the pink flush he was about to induce.
Still he couldn't resist running a hand over the rounded globes and watching her twitch in pleasurable but nervous antic.i.p.ation.”Now, my lady, a lesson in obedience for you.” He raised his hand and smacked it down smartly but not very hard on her left bottom cheek. It gave under the force and sprang back. The skin whitened for a moment under the impact, then flushed pink. Juliana gasped but didn't move or protest. He slapped down on the other side to give it a matching rose blush. Six more spanks had her squirming, then another two drew a low moan.
”Tell me when you think you've learned to obey,” he said. That would leave it up to her to decide when she'd had enough and give her a way to let him know.
It surprised him when it took almost two dozen more spanks before she finally sobbed and said, ”I believe I've learned the lesson, my lord.” By then her derriere was growing quite rosy, shading into red in places, and in truth, his hand was getting sore as well. She was one strong-willed lady.
He rolled her onto her back, keeping his eyes resolutely away from the cleft between her legs where he longed to explore, and instead gathering her into his arms. Unshed tears glazed her eyes, making his stomach twist in dismay.
”Juliana, did I hurt you? 'Twas not my intention! I thought you understood, 'twas all a game. You could stop it whenever you wished.””I know that, Thomas.” A grin made the tears still was.h.i.+ng her eyes sparkle. ”I did not want it to end too soon. It hurt, a little, but not so much. And it was very...exciting as well. The hurt seemed to change as it sank in and became something else.”
”Ah, that's as it should be. And, now, my lady, as you've submitted your will to me, I have one more thing to show you.” He set her back down on the bedcovers and leaned down to kiss her. His c.o.c.k was so swollen it hurt to move, but he forced himself to ignore it. He licked across her lips and invaded the hot, sweet depths of her mouth, until she reached up and dragged him down, forcing him to stretch out next to her with her legs and chest against his.
He allowed it for a few minutes, then backed away and slid down the bed. As he did so, he ran his tongue down her throat and along her chest until he reached a breast. Making gentle circles, he licked around the right one, moving higher until he finally reached the tip. She squealed loudly when he licked across the nipple. He repeated the sequence on the other breast, tonguing the peak until she all but sobbed. With a gentle suction, he drew the tip into his mouth. The taste of her was sweeter than, the texture of her skin finer than the smoothest pudding.
When he moved to the other side, she threaded her fingers into his hair and held onto him. The pressure in his groin beat so ferociously it took every bit of his will not to let it loose on her. When he knew he could take no more, he backed away and slid off the bed.
Her eyes widened and she looked puzzled. He came back and kissed her temple gently, then handed her the robe. ”Enough for tonight. This is a feast not a snack, so we'll take each course in its time.”
”As you wish, my lord.” Her tone sounded the regret she refused to put into the words.”'Tis better this way. Trust me.””Aye,” she agreed. ”Then we'll meet again tomorrow night?””Save you do not wish it.”She laughed. ”Oh, I'll wish it, Thomas. I wish it now more than I can say. But...
Tomorrow night, it should be your turn to submit to me.”
He turned to her, stunned at first, then feeling a laugh rise inside as it sank in. She
wanted to play this game as much as he did. His joy in it struck so deep he almost spent on the spot. Fortunately he managed to contain it long enough to help her back into her robe and escort her down the hall to her solar.
His men weren't in sight, thank heavens, as he raced back to his chamber after kissing her one last time at her door. He got inside, bolted the door and settled back onto the bed, freeing himself of his clothing as he crossed the room. The bed groaned as he fell across it, a hand already pumping at his raging c.o.c.k.
With the memory of Juliana's glorious, bare body fresh in his mind, the sweet taste and texture of her still pleasant on his tongue, her soft moans and squeals ringing in his ears, he wanted to make it last. But he couldn't take it slow. The force of his need refused to be contained. The pleasure rolled over and through him like a tidal wave, sweeping all his will and need before it. Three strokes of his hand up and down his c.o.c.k and it spurted seed onto his hand and chest.
The relief was as enormous and welcome as the need had been hot and raging. He rested, spread across the bed, until he had his breathing back under control and he thought he could walk again. He felt a little guilty and a little foolish, but he could no more have stopped it than he could hold back the wind.
After a while, he got up and rang for the servants to clean up. How long a mourning period would be demanded, he wondered, once he delivered his report concerning the likely demise of Lord Groswick? How long before he could wed Juliana and make her his own in every possible way?
Chapter Seven.
Juliana got through most of the morning without anyone noticing, or at least commenting on, how distracted she was. She dealt calmly with a dispute between a pair of crofters, a complaint by one of the dairymaids, a crisis in the kitchens over tallow for candles, and the discovery that mice had gotten into the linen closet.
No one reacted oddly to her or treated her any differently, so they likely didn't see the profound change within her, or the conflict tearing her apart.Whether he knew it or not, Sir Thomas was laying siege to her heart, and she feared he wouldn't have to fight very hard to win command of it. She didn't know what to do about that. It felt both wonderful and agonizing at the same time.
Aside from her silly days back when she was eleven or twelve and had a crush on her stepfather's squire, no man had ever captured her interest this way.
She had long yearned for someone to love her in the way she'd heard of in stories told by minstrels and bards. Like most young girls, she'd adored listening to the tales of brave, handsome knights performing valiant deeds and rescuing lovely maidens who won their hearts. She'd quickly grown out of believing in such tales, but a secret yearning for it had lingered far back in her mind, even as she'd come to realize the only one who would rescue her from anything was herself.
Sir Thomas came dangerously close to being her fantasy knight, with his handsome looks and n.o.ble carriage. His kind heart and sense of humor completed the picture of a valiant and n.o.ble knight. He deserved better than the heartbreak she would bring him.
She was no beautiful, innocent maiden. Perhaps once she had been. But now she had ugly scars marring her face, thanks to the man who should have been her lord and protector. Worse, she had ugly stains on her soul as well.
She should stop whatever bloomed between herself and Sir Thomas before it turned to hate, as it would when he learned the truth. Was there any way out of this? Any way that wouldn't cause him heartbreak and pain?
”You were looking for me, my lady?”
The voice interrupted her uncomfortable musings. Juliana looked toward the door. ”Peter, aye, I need to speak with you.”Among the servants and freemen, especially the female ones, Peter Randolph, the bailiff's son, displayed the swagger of a barely restrained peac.o.c.k. In her presence, though, he acted more subdued.”The night he arrived here, someone fired a crossbow at Sir Thomas. I know you train with some of the other young men in using the crossbow, so you likely know who it was. I don't ask you to tell me, but I do ask that you make all aware I will not have Sir Thomas or any of his men injured or worse. Another such attempt will force me to take stronger action.”
She studied the young man's face. His expression had slipped into a combination of fear and resentment.
”Will you tell all and be sure they understand how much I mean it?”Peter nodded jerkily. ”But, my lady... He is a danger to you. He'll learn what happened and report it to the king.”
”Perhaps he'll learn the truth, and he'd likely report it to the king if he does. But if that happens, I'll face it. I'll not have anyone hurt or killed to prevent it happening.”
”My lady, it's being told about that you shared his bed.”Her blood fired with a combination of embarra.s.sment and anger. Her voice was harsh when she answered. ”Should I have done so or not, 'tis no concern of yours.”
”Aye, my lady, 'tis true. I beg your pardon.” He made an awkward attempt at a bow.
”We fear for you, my lady. No one here would have anything happen to you.””I know that. But some things cannot be prevented. And some should not. Many things remain to be settled yet, and I know not how all of them will finish. I do know this, however. If Sir Thomas or his men are harmed, my conscience will never again know any rest at all. It will destroy me. And I will, I a.s.sure you, learn who did the deed and see them punished severely.” She drew a breath and looked at the young man. ”Let that be known to all.”He nodded, but there was still a mulishness about his expression that made her fear- for Sir Thomas, for herself, and for him as well.”Aye, my lady. If I may be excused?” The boy bowed and made his exit.Juliana got up and paced across the room a few times. A series of thunking sounds outside drew her to the window to watch the men-at-arms practicing in an enclosed court at the far end of the bailey. The noise she'd heard was the sound of arrows. .h.i.tting wooden targets. An admirable number of them protruded from the wood, as only a dozen or so men practiced.
Closer to her window, another group watched as Sir Thomas demonstrated some technique of sword use. Given that he seemed to move in a fairly normal side to side manner, she couldn't guess what he showed them. The men, however, paid close attention, and several mimicked his motions with the blank wood swords they used for practice.
Then he showed them something involving a lunge. The sun glittered off his hair, turning it a bright gold color. He moved nimbly, with an agile grace surprising in a man who was taller than all but one of those gathered around him. The others attempted to mimic his action, and Sir Thomas moved among them, offering a word here, changing the angle of an arm there. Occasionally he exchanged a few words with one. The positions of their bodies told her the conversations were friendly and the men showed him considerable respect as well as good humor.
He would be the perfect lord for this keep-a man others admired and respected. An honorable, n.o.ble man. One she felt sure would treat justly with all to the best of his ability. And as he was an intelligent and very determined man, his ability should be considerable.