Part 4 (1/2)

She sighed. ”Nay. He had enemies, of a certainty, but were he to decide to hide out anywhere, 'twould be right here, in this keep, where he grew up, and where he knew he owned all in sight. That was greatly important to him. So, as he is not here now, I do not believe it likely he ever will return.” Her fingers threaded together into a tight knot and her breath caught on a sob with the last word.

”Therefore you do not dishonor your marriage vows if you find you feel some desire for myself.”She gave him a wry and still slightly teary grin. ”You a.s.sume much, my lord, that you should think I feel something for you.”

”I do not a.s.sume, Juliana. I look in your face, in your eyes, and I see the pa.s.sion that lurks, that rouses when you look at me. I do not think Lord Groswick ever roused that pa.s.sion in you.”

She sucked in a sharp breath. Dismay flashed across her face then was forcibly

repressed. ”Nay, my lord,” she said, softly, almost a whisper. ”He did not.”He leaned forward, running a gentle finger across her soft, full lips, watching the way her expression changed, her eyes darkening, her mouth parting. ”There is something building between us. Your have no husband now, lady. You're free to explore what comes to us.” Of course, he still had to prove that, but he would. He would.She closed her eyes, almost wincing in what appeared to be pain. ”Nay, my lord. I'm not free. I cannot be. There is more...there are things you do not know. Cannot know. I'll never be free. Not for you. Nor for any man.””You still grieve?””Nay. Or rather, aye. I grieve. I grieve for many things.””'Tis too early to look to the future for you?” He was startled by the realization, but it wasn't too early for him. In just a day or so, this lovely lady had come to represent all he wanted in life. She was warmth and love and home.She leaned back. For a moment her eyes lost focus as though she stared into that future. Her expression went bleak. When she looked at him again, a yearning so deep and so intense it tugged at his heart flared in her eyes. It didn't last. She turned to stare out the window. ”There are yet too many things that remain to be settled before I can look to the future, my lord.”

”Then will you, at least, take some comfort in the present?” Instead of giving her time to answer, he dipped his head and pressed his lips to hers. She tasted sweet, flower sweet, honey sweet, like a perfectly ripe fruit. At first she remained unmoving, perhaps startled by the forwardness of his act. But after a minute she relaxed and her mouth softened.

He moved closer to her and drew her to her feet without releasing her mouth. His arms circled around her, pulling her body against him, chest to chest. She fit perfectly in his arms, her head resting on his shoulder. Heat poured through him. His c.o.c.k rose to attention.

Though he knew her a strong and competent young woman, and admired her for it, she seemed remarkably small, delicate, almost fragile in his arms. The warmth of her body lit fires in his, while the feel of her skin turned his desire for her into a raging need. He'd known other women, had bedded a few, admired his friends' wives, but he'd never wanted anyone with this possessive ferocity. It surprised him to feel that way about a woman he'd known such a short time. But something in his soul seemed to recognize it had met its mate in her. In deep, important ways, Juliana resembled those other women he'd admired and even, though he rebuked himself for it, coveted.

He let his lips trail along the line of the scar on her temple. She'd never acquire any further scars if he could do anything to stop it. He caught the thought and followed where it led. It was too soon, and perhaps he went too far too quickly, but Juliana would some day be his. He hoped the day might not be far off, though there was still the complication of her missing and surely dead husband to be unraveled. But it would be, and then he would offer for her. The king had promised a substantial reward for fulfilling his mission, enough to keep them. His majesty would surely approve Thomas's request for the lady's hand.

The small sounds she made as he kissed and teased her sank into his soul like music. He

could scarce bear to wait for the time he'd hear those little moans and more.His hands rubbed her back and sides, stroking her graceful curves, feeling the line of her hip, waist, and up to her chest. He pushed her cap off and undid the braids that held her hair up, letting it fall in a glorious, silken ma.s.s over her shoulders and down her back.

She relaxed into his embrace, holding onto him and squeezing herself toward him. He splayed his hands on her sides, so that his fingers were just touching the undersides of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Her sharp breath hit him right in the chest like an arrow to the heart.

A sound outside the door, just down the hall, reminded them they were not alone or particularly private. Juliana jumped back, her breath harsh and panting. A servant went on past the entrance, intent on his own errand. She dropped back into her chair and began to rebraid her hair, though she continued to watch him.

Thomas touched her face, traced the line of the scar on her temple with a finger. ”How did this happen?”For a moment she remained quiet. ”An accident with a piece of broken pottery a few years ago.”

”You were fortunate it came no closer to your eye.”She sighed and nodded. ”Very fortunate.””Juliana-”The lady looked up at him, eyes wide and still soft with pa.s.sion and...”Sir Thomas.”

Her smile was gentle and sweet. ”I am comforted. And for that I do thank you a great deal.”He felt a somewhat more wry grin twist his own mouth. ”You'll arrange for the bath tonight.”

After a moment, she nodded and gave him a smile. Then she turned to get back in her chair. But as he was leaving she stopped him. ”Sir Thomas? Might I ask a favor of you?”

”Whatever you will, my lady.”For a moment her eyes widened and her gaze lost focus, but then she shook herself out of it. ”I worry about our defenses here. We have no knights and few skilled men at arms. Would you review our guards and their deployment and tell me what we might do to improve? We have a few more young men eager to learn, but no one well qualified to train them. Samuel of Merimon is our captain and I believe him competent enough, but he has little imagination or patience.

Thomas nodded. ”I'll do so. I have a few more of your household I'd like to question today. If you'll let your captain know about it, tomorrow I'll review your defenses with him.”

Her smile held both relief and grat.i.tude. He felt it more than adequate payment for

whatever effort he put forth on her behalf.

Thomas found the bailiff, William Randolph, conferring with the steward. Randolph pointedly ignored him, continuing his conversation, despite the demands of rank and courtesy that would obligate him to acknowledge Sir Thomas at the very least.

When Thomas said, ”Master Randolph, if I might have a word with you,” the man gave him a concentrated glare that warned the interview would likely be less than pleasant.”You want to ask me about Lord Groswick, my lord? I've heard you've been questioning others in the household.” Randolph's tone told Thomas exactly how he felt about the activity.

Hoping to keep the unpleasantness to a minimum, Thomas reminded him, ”I've been commissioned by the king himself to make inquiries. I regret that it causes disruption and perhaps some grief to the household here, but the king would know-if it's possible to learn-what became of Lord Groswick.” He kept his irritation under control and his tone even.

Randolph gave him a jerky nod and said, ”This way, my lord.” He led the way to a small, quiet room a couple of doors down from the storeroom. ”We can be private in here.”

There were no chairs in the room, just one rough table, a few shelves bearing what looked like kitchen utensils, and rolls of fabric leaning against the wall. The window looked out onto the side of the bailey, toward the smith's shop he'd visited earlier. It also had a narrow ledge beneath it, which Thomas perched on.

”How long have you been bailiff here?” he asked Randolph.

The man looked surprised. Clearly that wasn't the question he'd expected. ”Some ten years now. Since Milton Ashwood died.””So you worked with Lord Groswick extensively.””Aye.”Thomas waited a moment, but Randolph wasn't volunteering anything. ”And you were here when he left.””Aye.””How long ago was that? Do you remember the exact day?”The man drew a deep breath and shrugged. ”Not the day itself. 'Twas in November, though early in the month. He wanted to set out before the weather turned.””He was leaving it rather late at that, was he not?”

”He would wait until the harvest was done.”

”Ah. He needed to be well-provisioned for the trip. How many men accompanied him? And were they keep men?””My memory is not entirely reliable, my lord, but as best I can remember, he went off with about three dozen men. Most were mercenaries, old friends, or those who owed debts he called on to support him. Only a very few belonged to the keep.””Have you a list of their names?”The man's hands clenched tight. ”So far as I know, there is no list, my lord.”

”Can you remember who they might be?””I can give you a few names.” He rattled off a list that was just as unspecific as the one the cook had given him.

Thomas did note a few whose families he recognized and committed those to memory

to inquire about later.”Tell me about Lord Groswick,” Thomas asked. ”What manner of man was he? Was he an easy man to work with?”

Randolph's eyes narrowed and his lips pinched together for a moment. ”He was no easy man, Lord Groswick.”Again Thomas waited, but Randolph declined to elaborate. ”In what way?” he prompted.

Randolph looked around as though searching for a way to escape the room. ”His temper was uncertain at the best of times. His manner...he was the lord. That was all. He felt no need to be kind or merciful, or even just. He regarded not the feelings or rights of others, including his household and those closest to him. When things were not to his liking, he would often react...quite violently.”

”Violently? How so?”

The man's breathing had quickened. ”He... He could be quite loud in his reproaches. And he injured a few people who did not please him.””Injured. He struck them?””Aye, my lord.””Then people here feared him?””Aye, my lord. That they did. Many would duck and hide when they saw him approach.””Then I should suppose many were relieved when he left.”The man hesitated. ”Aye, that they were.””And all are happier with Lady Juliana running the keep?””Indeed. The lady is quite adept at it. She's much better at organizing affairs and keeping them running smoothly than my Lord Groswick was. And she has a way with people as well.”

”What will happen when Lord Groswick returns?” Thomas asked him.The man froze as he turned to look at something outside. His face paled and his eyes widened. He took two deep harsh breaths before he responded. ”Do you think it likely he'll return, my lord? You said he never met the Prince and no one has heard from him.”