Part 26 (1/2)

The most Diana hoped to accomplish from this testimony was to have the committee order NERD to make available the course and instructor evaluation for the previous year. That was the year that Lyle had claimed the students loved the course and the instructors. That was the year Diana did not teach in it.

”Are you acquainted with any medical students who took the radiology course this last year?” questioned Diana.

Helen testified that two of the rooms in her home were rented by medical students. ”The gist of the conversation around our dinner table was that they felt the course was a complete waste of time. 'Most of the year, it seemed as if we knew more than the instructors,'” she quoted one of them as saying.

Jane couldn't wait for Diana to complete her questioning of Helen and broke in with, ”Would the students come and talk with us?” She pretended to forget that medical students were not allowed at the hearing.

”No. Medical students were told they should not testify.

They did request that I tell you that both she and my other roomer gave a bad evaluation of the course in the SmurFFs they filled out this year. They hoped that by doing that, the course would be changed and improved for the students next year.

You have been told that all the evaluations were positive that year.”

Henry appeared to misunderstand. ”If they didn't think their evaluations were done correctly, they should go to the dean.”

He said to Helen, severely.

”Huh? I didn't say anything about them feeling their evaluations. . .

what do you mean?”

”If there is a problem with their evaluations, they should go to the dean.”

”I didn't say there was a problem. I don't know where you are coming from. I will repeat what I said since it appears that I have been misunderstood. They told me that they had filled out a very negative evaluation on the radiology course, and that they knew that others in the cla.s.s did also because there was great dissatisfaction with the course.”

Henry immediately reminded the panel members that this was all hearsay.

It will be trouble, he thought, if anyone on the panel asks for the SmurFFs for the year Diana didn't teach that course. Lyle doesn't want them seen and for good reason. He and his boys have perjured themselves.

No one seemed to have any more questions. Even appeared wary.

This was one witness that they weren't going to confuse. She not only had both feet planted on the ground, she looked as if she'd enjoy planting the panel under them. Noting that there were no more questions coming, Diana thanked her and said, ”Looks like we are finished with you, Helen.”

”You may be finished with me, but I am not finished with you!”

She took in everyone in the room with that remark, surprising Diana as much as anyone on the panel. Even Janet looked up with a startled expression.

One could almost hear the horns of the Valkyrie sounding as a Brunnhilde spirit sparkled in the body of this nursing student.

”I am concerned and distressed,” she continued. ”First, for how you treated that young woman who testified before me.

I have known Sarah for several months and she is as honest and sincere as anyone I have ever known.

”You know what she told us when she came out? She said you didn't believe her because you had already decided on the basis of the graphologist's report. She said it wasn't fair. That person swore only to an opinion. She, Sarah, had sworn to a fact.

”Also, from what the other witnesses have told me and what I have just experienced myself, I don't believe you want to find out the truth. You just want to terminate our teacher.

”No, I am not finished yet.” Helen held up a warning hand to Henry who was about to protest, palm flat out like a traffic cop.

”I have a BA in German and I am working toward a BA in nursing, and I am disgusted, I am really disgusted at what happened with my nutrition course evaluation. Despite what we were told in the cla.s.sroom concerning the use of the evaluations for the course and professors, they were sent off-site to a graphologist. . .”

”Only a few, there were only a small number,” insisted Henry.

Good Lord, he thought, abashed, I never should have admitted that any were sent.

”So what! Maybe mine was one of them. You shouldn't be breaching student confidentiality to expedite some personnel matter.

And let me tell you, I'm not the only one in the cla.s.s that feels that way.