Part 25 (1/2)
As the panel again started to question Sarah, Henry struggled for control. Face blanched, hands compressed into fists so tightly that the nails bit into his palms, he listened powerlessly as Esther got the first question out. ”Sarah, how can you be sure that this is yours?”
”Because I recognize the handwriting; I know what I wrote, that is why.”
”I'd like to conduct the examination of my own witness, if I may,” snapped Diana as the panel broke out in a flurry of questions after Esther's initial one. This angry outburst shocked the panel into silence, temporarily.
In a more relaxed voice, Diana nodded toward them and said, ”Thank you. Now, Sarah, have you been pressured in any way to make this identification or have you been promised anything for doing it--by me or any other person? Remember, you are under oath to tell the complete truth.”
”Thank you. I have finished the direct examination of this witness.”
”May I see packet C to make sure I understand,” said a very fl.u.s.tered Henry Tarbuck.
Esther started in on Sarah. Even though Sarah had given her cla.s.s and student status at the beginning of her testimony, Esther asked for it all again. Perhaps she thought Diana was ringing in an impostor. Others on the panel took over as Esther paused for breath.
Sarah carefully answered each question, becoming confused only when two or three questions were thrown at her at the same time.
She established who she was and how she had found out about the ”whole business.”
”Tell me again when you took the course?”
”Is there a date on the form?”
Raising his voice in the way that men will in the presence of women as an effective way of silencing them and holding the floor by intimidation, drawled conversationally, ”What you claim is interesting. This doc.u.ment was identified by the doc.u.ment examiner as being written by Dr. Trenchant.”
He fixed Sarah with a patronizing grimace. His att.i.tude plainly said I don't believe you, little girl.
Sarah replied, ”I know that.”
”Well, we should see a sample of your handwriting.”
”You have a sample. It is right there on that paper I identified.”
”No, absolutely not. It cannot be. You have made a mistake.
That SmurFF has been identified by experts as being in Diana's handwriting.”
”We'll take some of your writing to the doc.u.ment examiner.
That will settle it.” Esther beamed at having such a great idea.
”No. You already have a sample of my writing. I won't have anything more to do with those people. Look how they made this mistake.
I don't like how those people are.” Sarah did not have much faith in doc.u.ment examiners--she of all people had reason not to.
”Well, we can do nothing here with this. It is just hearsay or. . .”
Frank's voice trailed off as he looked to Henry for a ruling.
Frank is trying to sweep the evidence under the rug, thought Jane. He came into this hearing with his mind made up.
Any attempt Henry and have made toward impartiality is a sham.
Diana addressed the panel, speaking forcefully. ”Sarah has identified the evaluation under oath. You have that doc.u.ment as a sample of her handwriting. I think that is sufficient and you are upsetting her with your badgering.”