Part 33 (1/2)
”Oh, Russ was just a rebound boy after Tricia's divorce,” Angelica explained. ”A nice little diversion, but I'll bet now she's ready for something a bit more exciting.”
”We won't go into all that.”
”No need to,” Angelica piped up. ”That was some smooch you gave Captain Baker. See, I told you you were sweet on him.”
”It was a stupid, impulsive thing to do,” Tricia said, embarra.s.sed. ”I was just grateful he arrived when he did. I really wasn't sure Brian would believe my bluff.”
”Uh-huh,” Angelica said knowingly.
”You should've shot him,” Ginny growled. ”Did you see the way Eugenia carried on when they hauled them both away?” She frowned. ”On second thought, you should've shot her, too.”
”You know that's the whiskey talking--not the way you really feel,” Tricia said.
”No, I wish you'd shot him.” Ginny thought about it. ”Okay, maybe not to kill, but you should've shot him anyway.” She paused. ”In the b.u.t.t. Twice--once in each cheek.”
”I'm just glad we're all safe,” Angelica said. ”But there are things that need to be settled.”
Yes, several big things. Like the mess that was now Ginny's life.
”That poor Libby Hirt,” Angelica said with a sigh. ”Her husband shot. Her daughter arrested and in love with a murderer . . .”
Ginny leaned forward and poured more whiskey into her cup. ”Nah, Brian will probably only go to jail for manslaughter. The b.a.s.t.a.r.d!”
Tricia leaned forward and capped the bottle. ”Sorry, ladies, but we've got a wedding to put on tomorrow, and this place needs a thorough cleaning.”
Angelica stood. ”And I've still got food to make.”
None of them moved.
”I don't know if I can go to the wedding,” Ginny said, her voice breaking.
”Oh, yes, you can,” Tricia said.
”But my heart is broken.”
”And what better way to reaffirm that you will find someone worthy of your love one day, than to attend the wedding of two people who truly love each other? They may not have much time left in their lives, but tomorrow they're going to commit to be together--for better or for worse, 'til death do them part.”
Ginny sniffed. ”Does it make me a terrible person because I didn't follow Brian to the jail? He betrayed me,” she reminded them.
”Honey, I've been betrayed four times, and I sure haven't given up looking for someone,” Angelica said.
”Does that mean you'd like to marry Bob?” Tricia asked, taken aback.
”h.e.l.l, no.” Angelica thought about it for a moment. ”Well, maybe. But not anytime soon. I've rushed into too many relations.h.i.+ps. This is my time in life. That's why I took over the Cookery, and why I opened the cafe.” She nodded sagely. ”I've learned from my past mistakes. You ought to think about what you'd really like to do, Ginny. This could be your golden opportunity to do exactly what you want to do--maybe for the first time in your life.”
Ginny blinked a few times. ”I'd like to own my own business--just like you and Tricia,” she blurted.
It was Tricia's turn to blink. ”You would?”
Ginny nodded. ”I've seen what you've done here. I know just about every aspect of the business. I could do the same thing--I know I could. I just don't have the money to get one started.”
”You might if you sold your house,” Angelica said.
”I'd never be able to afford the rents here in Stoneham.”
Angelica's gaze rose to the ceiling. ”You might if the land-lord's girlfriend could persuade him to give you a break.”
Ginny blinked in disbelief. ”You'd do that for me?”
”Why not? Tricia says you're the best a.s.sistant in the village. Why shouldn't you try to be the best bookseller--or toy seller--or whatever you want to be?”
”That's all very good, but then I'd have to break in someone new,” Tricia complained.
”I'm not saying any of this would happen tomorrow,” Angelica muttered. ”But Ginny needs a goal--one that doesn't include matrimony. What do you say, Ginny?”
For the first time in hours, a smile brightened Ginny's tear-swollen face. ”I'd like that.”
”And we'll help you, won't we, Trish?”
”We sure will.”
”My own business,” Ginny said, warming to the idea. ”I like that thought. A lot.”
Angelica held out her hand. ”Then it's all for one.”
Tricia put hers on top. ”And all--”
Ginny did likewise. ”For one--me!”
Their combined hands bounced once--twice--three times before springing high into the air.
The bridal bouquet of white calla lilies and baby's breath looked lovely against Grace's soft pink linen suit, and the maid of honor's bouquet was made of lavender chrysanthemums, which complimented her mauve, raw silk dress. Tricia also held a wadded tissue to wipe away the tears that filled her eyes. Weddings always made her cry.
Dressed in a dark suit, crisp white s.h.i.+rt, and navy tie, Mr. Everett wore a solemn expression as he slipped the simple gold band onto Grace's waiting finger. ”With this ring, I do thee wed.”
Judge Milton smiled. ”I now p.r.o.nounce you husband and wife.” To Mr. Everett, he said, ”You may kiss your bride.”
A resounding round of applause broke out among the guests as Mr. Everett landed a gentle kiss on Grace's lips--and promptly turned an attractive shade of pink.
Haven't Got a Clue had never looked as lovely. White chrysanthemums and pale pink roses decorated the counters. Ginny had arrived early that morning with a bit of a hangover and many rolls of white crepe paper, which she'd artistically draped along the bookshelves. Angelica had set up a long, linen-draped table against the wall of nonfiction t.i.tles, and lavished it with hot and cold breakfast foods. Pale pink rosettes spiraled up Nikki Brimfield's gorgeous three-tiered cake, which had taken up residence at the store's coffee station. They'd chosen their initials, G and W, in brushed silver, for their cake topper.
Half an hour before the ceremony, Russ arrived with his camera to take posed and candid shots of the bride and groom and the cake. He kept looking at Ginny, who kept her distance, and Tricia warned him that he was not to talk to her about Pammy's death, or what had occurred at the store the evening before. He frowned and instead took Tricia's picture. And he kept making excuses to be near her--asking about the food, the decorations, and any other inane thing he could think of. Tricia was civil, but soon found other places to be.
Although appointed the honorary ring bearer, Miss Marple declined to partic.i.p.ate in the ceremony, instead watching it from her perch on the shelf behind the register, purring all the while.