Part 32 (1/2)

”What about the calls?” Tricia reminded her.

”Like I said,” Eugenia continued, ”we figured you had to have it, so we drove to Nashua and got one of those voice-altering things for the phone. We figured I wouldn't get in trouble if I didn't make any specific threat--and I didn't.”

”It's up to the sheriff to decide if you've broken any laws.” Tricia turned her attention to Brian. ”And it's up to a grand jury to decide whether Pammy's death is murder or manslaughter,” she said. ”But either way, you're both in pretty deep trouble.”

”I'm not going to jail,” Brian said, his voice rising. ”I've always liked you, Tricia, but I'm not about to let you ruin my life.”

”What about my life?” Ginny demanded.

Tricia ignored her. ”Brian, your life was ruined the moment you decided to scare Pammy Fredericks. I know you didn't mean to hurt her--but it's your fault she's dead!”

”She was a sc.u.mbag. She wanted to ruin people I care about.”

”That may be true, but she didn't deserve to die.”

”What about me?” Ginny insisted, her eyes filled with tears. ”Brian, we own a house together. We're going to get married.”

He turned his anguished gaze toward Ginny. ”Babe, I'm sorry. I never thought I'd care for Eugenia the way I do. I mean, we've known each other almost our whole lives. It just . . . happened.”

Just like it had happened between Joe and M.J., only Libby had never found out.

”And were you going to leave me for Eugenia?” Ginny demanded.

Brian turned away so he didn't have to look her in the eye. ”I . . . thought about it.” He shrugged. ”Yeah, I think so.”

Ginny took a few choking breaths--sounding like a fish out of water. ”And what happens now that Tricia and I know you're a murderer?”

The door opened. A breathless Angelica burst in, still dressed in her fifties waitress costume, her feet encased in running shoes. Her eyes were wild with fear. ”Are you okay, Trish?”

”You shouldn't have come here,” Brian said coldly.

”Run!” Tricia shouted.

But Angelica just stood in the doorway, in shock.

Brian moved fast. In seconds he'd grabbed Angelica's arm and hauled her farther into the store, slamming the door before shoving her against Tricia.

”What are you doing here?” Tricia grated.

”I saw Joe shut the blinds, and I knew Captain Baker told you not to talk to him.”

”So why didn't you just call nine-one-one?”

”You two shut up and let me think!” Brian ordered.

”Now what are you going to do?” Ginny demanded. ”Throw all three of us into the Dumpster?”

”What's going on?” Angelica demanded.

Brian thrust his hand into his jacket and came out with a handgun, aiming it at Tricia and Angelica.

Ginny gasped. ”Where on G.o.d's Earth did you get that?”

”Brian, think about what you're doing,” Tricia warned. ”What happened with Pammy was an accident. If you fire that gun--”

Joe stepped forward. ”n.o.body's firing any guns. Hand it over, kid.”

Brian shook his head. ”I don't want to go to jail.”

”Tricia's right. You fire that gun, and that's the end of life as you know it.”

”You're one to talk. Eugenia told me you shot at Tricia's windows. You shot Stuart Paige,” Brian said.

Joe's head snapped as he turned toward his daughter. ”That's not true! Please tell me you didn't do it.”

”I'm sorry, Daddy,” Eugenia cried. ”I only meant to scare Tricia. If Paige hadn't moved, he never would've been shot.”

”You lied to me,” Brian said to her, angry.

”I didn't want you to think badly of me.”

Joe's face flushed, and he pursed his lips. He looked past his daughter and spoke to Brian. ”You're both already in enough trouble. Enough mistakes have already been made. Don't make any more, kid.”

Brian stared at the people surrounding him. The gun in his hand wavered.

”How long are we going to stand around like this?” Angelica groused. ”Are you going to kill all of us? What will you do with our bodies?”

”Forensics will always nail a killer, Brian,” a grim-faced Ginny piped up. ”I learned that reading mysteries and thrillers.”

”Shut up, Ginny! Just shut up!” Brian hollered.

Another tear slid down Ginny's cheek. ”And to think I almost married you.”

”We can't just stand here all night,” Joe said reasonably.

Tricia swallowed. Sure they could! The best way to defuse the situation was to talk it out, not egg Brian on. But Joe took another step forward. The gun swung in his direction.

”This is insane!” Eugenia shouted. ”Brian, what are you doing? Put that gun down. We'll never be together if you fire that thing.”

”Quiet! Just everyone be quiet.”

Joe shook his head. ”I've had enough.” He marched forward, his right hand reaching for the gun.

Brian shot him.

Joe staggered and fell to his knees.