Part 17 (1/2)
Once I get them back on my feet I feel a little bit like myself again.
”Where is she?” I repeat. The guy is starting to make me feel like a broken record.
”Sir, I'll need to get you to sign these release papers stating that you are refusing medical treatment.
”Whatever. Give me a pen.”
He hands me a clipboard with a pen and I scribble my name on the bottom line.
”And initial right there,” he points to another section of the long doc.u.ment. ”And there.”
I scribble a few more times and then shove the clipboard back at him. ”Brooke Rhodes?”
”I'll need to check on that for you.”
”Great,” I try to control my temper because I know this guy is the only thing that now stands between me and my Wild Child. I don't want to p.i.s.s him off. I want him to give me the information I need.
”Like rock music?” I ask as I follow him out the door.
He stops dead in his tracks and glares at me. ”You can wait in the room. I'll be right back as soon as I get the information for you.”
I shake my head. ”I don't mind. I'll follow you. I think it'll be quicker this way.”
He takes in a deep breath and I can see the resignation set into his squinty blue eyes. ”Fine.”
He doesn't wait for me to respond. He turns on his heels and starts walking down the hallway. ”I don't,” he says when I finally catch up to him.
”Don't what?”
”Care for rock music.”
I roll my eyes. Figures. The one guy on the planet that I truly need a favor from and there's little chance he cares who I am.
When I finally figure out where Brooke is I practically run to that section of the hospital. Probably not the smartest idea considering I got pretty beat up in the accident, but no one ever accused me of being smart.
She looked so bad. She was smashed almost as badly as Harper's car. And she was so b.l.o.o.d.y. I cringe just thinking about it. Brooke is broken and it's all my fault. I was paying too much attention to the Wild Child and not enough attention to the road. I have to do whatever it takes to fix her-to fix everything-to make things right again.
I spot Rayne and Harper pacing outside of a room when I arrive.
”Dude.” Rayne looks me up and down. ”You look like s.h.i.+t. Are you supposed to be running around the hospital?”
Harper elbows him.
”I don't really give a s.h.i.+t what I'm supposed to be doing. I need to see Brooke.”
When Harper puts her hand on my arm my eyes immediately shoot to Rayne. He doesn't seem bothered by the gesture so I relax a bit. My body feels tattered enough. I don't need to get thumped by Rayne on top of everything else.
”Brooke is in surgery,” Harper says, and my chest tightens.
It takes me a moment to realize my eyes are moist and I'm blinking back tears. I don't f.u.c.king cry. I've never cried in my life. ”Is she going to be okay?” My throat feels like it's almost closed and it's hard to get the words out.
”Her hip is broken. They're repairing it. She has a few bruised ribs. And her wrist is broken. They're pretty sure there isn't any internal damage, so that's good...” her voice trails off.
”I'm sorry,” is about all I can manage to say before I sob like a f.u.c.king baby.
”It's not your fault, Man.” Rayne puts a hand on my shoulder. ”The guy who hit you was drunk. Blew right through the red light. Didn't even slow down.”
My fists tighten to angry b.a.l.l.s. ”Did he get hurt?”
Rayne shakes his head. ”Not a scratch. That's what the cop said anyway.”
”I'll solve that problem” I spit. ”I'll make sure he's hurt worse than Brooke.”
Rayne shakes his head. ”Not this time. Brooke needs you. You need to be here for her.”
He's right. As much as I want to kill the guy who hurt her I want to be there for her even more.
”Did the cops talk to you yet?” Rayne asks.
I shake my head. ”I signed myself out of the emergency room. Refused treatment.”
Harper furrows her brow. ”Do you think that's a good idea?”
”I'm fine. I've been hurt worse than this in bar fights.” I glance around but the hallway is deserted except for the three of us. ”Where are Raven and Xander?”
”I sent them home,” Harper states. ”To get something to eat and get some rest. They'll be back later.”
”Do you want something to eat?” Rayne asks.
I shake my head. ”I want to see Brooke. That's all, man. I just want to see her.”
He nods. ”You will.”
Brooke I try to open my eyes but the lids feel like they have weights on them. My head is pounding and I feel fuzzy, like I have the worst hangover in the world.
Except I don't remember drinking. I kept the plug in the jug...didn't I?
”You're awake.” I recognize the voice, but it takes me a moment to remember who it belongs to...Raven Woods.
What is Raven doing in my bedroom?
”I'd better let Leo know. He'll lose it if he knows you woke and he wasn't here. He's been here all night. I told him I'd watch you so he could pee. He looked like he was going to burst.”
”What are you doing here?”