Part 16 (1/2)
”I was being sarcastic,” she clarifies.
”I know.”
I grab her drink and take a sip. It's just soda, so I put it back down in front of her.
”I'm keeping the plug in the jug,” she tells me.
”That's good. But you were going to f.u.c.k an a.s.shole. That's a problem.”
”For you maybe,” she snaps.
”The jerkoff is married,” I tell her.
”That's what I liked about him. No strings. Get laid and get out.”
When our eyes meet I can see so much turmoil in hers. She's really hurting, but she doesn't have to be. I wish I could convince her of that. ”Is that what you really want? Just to get f.u.c.ked by some random guy?”
”Maybe.” Her words don't match her expression. I can always tell what's going on with Brooke by looking deep into her eyes. Her eyes never lie, even if she does.
”Find another guy,” I tell her.
She narrows her gaze. ”Why?”
”Because I'm on a roll and having fun.”
Shaking her head she asks, ”You're just going to do that to every guy, aren't you?”
She heaves a sigh then hops from her barstool. ”Fine. Take me home.”
I didn't think it would be that easy. I thought she'd make me go through a few more guys just to prove my point.
”Everyone was worried about you,” I tell her as we walk out of the bar.
”Harper, maybe,” she replies. ”Nic because he loves Harper. But I seriously doubt that Xander or Raven care all that much about what happens to me.”
I step right in front of her and look directly into her sad eyes. ”Xander and Raven know I care about you. So they care about you. They're both out looking for you right now. So are Harper and Rayne.”
Gazing at the ground she says, ”I wish you didn't care so much.”
I gently lift her head so I can see into those beautiful eyes of hers. ”Too late.”
”I didn't mean to cause so much trouble.” She shakes her head. ”I can't believe everyone went looking for me.”
”I'd better let them know I found you.” I take a few moments to text the gang and let them know Brooke is with me and that she's safe. ”They'll meet us in the parking lot.”
I'm a little surprised that she lets me take her hand. After the s.h.i.+t I pulled in the bar I figured there was a fifty-fifty shot that she'd either take my hand or punch me.
”I just want to go home.” She sounds tired.
”I want to go home too.”
It takes just a few minutes for Harper and Rayne to join us. Unfortunately they're being followed by some a.s.shole paparazzi. Another reason we don't go out very much. Dirt bag photographers who make a living snapping shots of celebrities. Even though living in the desert provides some level of privacy there are still people who let the paparazzi know where to find us to make a fast buck.
”Sorry,” I tell Rayne as soon as he approaches. He looks p.i.s.sed, and I don't blame him. He doesn't really give a s.h.i.+t if the vultures snap photos of him all day long, but the second someone takes a shot of Harper he goes a little nuts.
”We're out,” he tells me. ”I don't want Harper in the rags again.” When they first got together Harper and Rayne had some bad experiences with the press. Rayne has been trying really hard not to have a repeat performance.
”Thanks, Man.” I hand him the keys to his BMW. I'll drive Brooke home in Harper's car.
His eyes soften when he looks at Brooke. She looks sad, maybe even defeated. I would do anything to make her smile again, but I've got to get her home first.
”I'm glad you found her.” Rayne pats my shoulder.
”Where are Xander and Raven?” I ask.
”Down the block at a biker bar,” he replies. ”It sounds like they're having fun. I guess they're going to stay a while.”
”See you back home,” I tell him.
When I look back over at Brooke I see that Harper is giving her a hug. At least that produces a half smile.
Once Rayne and Harper take off Brooke and I get settled in Harper's car. It's a nice ride. It makes me wonder if I should buy a car for Brooke to use.
As we head back home Brooke is very quiet. It's unusual for her, but this is an unusual situation.
For me too.
If you would have asked me a few months ago if I'd be chasing a girl all over Scottsdale I would have said you were nuts. I don't chase girls. Girls come to me.
But Brooke is different. I'd chase Brooke to the ends of the Earth if I had to.
”What's on your mind?” I finally ask.
I laugh. ”That's a lot.”
”You shouldn't care about me. I don't deserve it.”
”And why is that?” I ask.
When she bites her bottom lip I think about kissing her. But for some reason this time I don't think about f.u.c.king her, although I'd love to do that too. I just want to hold her in my arms. Tight. And not let her go.