Part 14 (1/2)

He rang off before saying goodbye.

I was not impressed. The conservation was not as friendly or as pleasant as I had come to expect. I wondered if he resented me asking him for a professional opinion. I could not understand why he had been curt with me.

Still, his comments were interesting and useful. He confirmed that it was unlikely Elona would have made the s.e.xual advance, but could have done so if Nathan had not been responding to her. Phil told me that all the lads had flirted with her. If Nathan had started flirting, from what John says, it is unlikely that Elona would have felt any need to make an advance. No, I think I have enough here to read the riot act to Nathan tomorrow if I dont get answers.

Chapter 21.

My sister has just called. She says she has news. Big news. I imagine that shes pregnant again and wants to celebrate in style. I still cant get used to being an aunty, but if another sprog is going to come along I guess Ill just have to accept it fully. Every time she does something grown up like this it makes me feel a little bit older.

While I wait for her to come around, I tidy up the house. There is not much to do. When I go around to Caroles, it always looks like a bomb has. .h.i.t it. Young Toby, Caroles boy, has progressed from sitting up to rolling around. She called me a few nights ago almost wetting herself with laughter.

”I just wish you could see him,” she said trying to contain guffaws.

”Tell me what you see....” I dutifully command.

”Well. Hes on his back with a rattle in his hand. he goes. Over onto his front now. Come on baby, do your stuff!”

As I wait, trying to sound enthusiastic, she roars with laughter as he manages to s.h.i.+ft his weight again and roll onto his back.

”Hes on his back, feet in the air, cooing and laughing. This is just brill! I wish you could see this.”

Try as I might to understand how watching a baby roll over and over can make her giggle like a schoolgirl, I just cant fathom it out. Still, shes happy and thats what matters.

I tidy round the kitchen, put the few plates Ive used in the dishwasher wondering just how lazy I can be. My windowsill is adorned with an a.s.sortment of stones and rocks that Ive picked up over the years, along with holders for utensils and instruments for practising my Nigella Lawson recipes. Decadence! Just what the moment needs and I rustle around the cupboard seeing if I have the ingredients for a calorie busting meal. Just as the boredom is banished, the front doorbell rings. I flick the switch on the kettle and amble back into the living room.

”Come on in!” I shout. ”The doors open....”

And in she walks looking groomed and beaming.

”Has someone given you a happy pill?” I ask ”No need,” she says.

I look her up and down to try to understand what is different. I cannot put my finger on it but something has definitely changed in her appearance.

”All right you. What is it?”

”Keep looking,” she says mysteriously.

I walk right up to her and put my hand on her stomach. It is firm and flat. Absolutely no sign of a baby there, I think.

”Am I getting warm?” I ask.

She smiles, playing with me.

”Try a bit higher,” she says.

I give her a puzzled look and start to move my hand upwards. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s look quite firm today so I cup one in each hand.

”Dont tell me youve had these done?”

”Better than that!” she jokes and with one swift move she places her left hand on top of my right hand.

”See anything now?” she asks, with her smile getting wider all the time.

I look carefully, tracing a line from her shoulder to her elbow. Nothing special there, I think. I continue tracing a line from the elbow to her hand. Her hand is different.

As I look at the image before me, I felt something in my sides coa.r.s.e up through my body. My mouth dropped open and I barely heard myself speak as a wave of emotion moved through my neck and my head started to tingle.

”When?” was the only word that came out. I could feel the moisture start to fill my eyes.

”July 31st?”

”Oh, Carole!” I still felt in shock. ”When did he ask?”

”Last night. He came home and told me that hed got another promotion and had a present for me.”

”Some present!” I shouted and suddenly the tears were there. I dont know why I was crying but the drops started to roll down my face as I grabbed her with both my arms and squeezed her as if my life depended on it.

”Be my 'best woman?” she asked.

I took a step back and held both her arms, one with each hand.

”Your what?”

”My 'best woman. I want a 'best woman!”

I just looked at her unsure what to say. What do you say when your younger sister displays a dazzling engagement ring and asks you to be her 'best woman? I pulled her to me and held her tight. The tears just kept rolling down my cheeks.

”Careful sis,” she gasped, ”I want to make it to the alter without crushed ribs.”

”I dont know what to say. How many women have ever been asked that question?”

”Yes will do nicely.”

I just closed my eyes and nodded. It is so hard to describe how Im feeling. It isnt happiness. It is, of course, what she has been dreaming of for the last few years, but now the moment is here, I feel worried, ecstatic, concerned, shocked every emotion I have in me just crashes down and I feel giddy with the intensity of it all.

”Of course. Of course,” I manage to get out before I completely give the game away.

”Sis? Are you alright?”

”I feel a bit woozy.....”

And then it happened. I cant explain why. My legs just gave way as if they simply could not hold me up any more, and I tumbled onto the floor and nearly hit my head on the table. For a few moments, I cant get up.