Part 11 (1/2)
THE CHAPLAIN'S WIFE (_to the_ CURATE, _a new arrival_). Oh, you will _very_ soon get into all our little ways. The hours here are _most_ convenient--breakfast (_table d'hote_) with choice of eggs or fish and coffee--really _admirable_ coffee--from eight to nine; midday dinner at one. Supper at nine. Then, if you want to write a letter, the post for England goes out--(_&c., &c._) And on Sundays, eleven o'clock service (Evangelical, of _course!_) at the----(_&c., &c.,_) My husband----(_&c., &c._)
FIRST OLD MAID (_looking up from a four days' old ”Telegraph”_). I see they are still continuing that very interesting correspondence on ”Our Children's Mouths--and are they widening?” One letter attributes it to the habit of thumb-sucking in infancy--which certainly ought to be checked. Now I never _would_ allow any----
THE C.'S. W. Nor I. But corals are quite as bad. Only this afternoon I was telling a Lady in this hotel that her little boy would be much happier with a rubber ring. You get them at a shop in the can take you to it at any time, or if you like to mention my name----(_&c., &c._)
SECOND O. M. One correspondent thought the practice of eating soup with table-spoons tended to enlarge the mouth. I really believe there may be something in it. [_A pause._
THE CURATE. The weather we have been having seems to have materially affected the harvest prospects at home; they say there will be little or no fodder for the cattle this year. I saw somewhere--I forget where it was exactly--a suggestion to feed cows on chickweed.
PODB. (_at the bookcase_). Capital thing for them too, Sir. Know a man who never gives his cattle anything else.
THE CURATE. Oh, really? And does he find the experiment answer?
PODB. They take to it like birds. And--curious thing--after he'd tried it a month, all the cows turned yellow and went about chirping and twittering and hopping. Fact, I a.s.sure you!
THE CURATE. Dear me--I should scarcely have----
[_He gradually comes to the conclusion that he is being trifled with, and after a few moments of uncomfortable silence, gets up and quits the room with dignity._
PODB. (_to himself_). _One_ of 'em gone! Now if I can only clear these old tabbies out, I can tackle Culchard. (_Aloud, to_ CHAPLAIN'S WIFE.) You don't happen to know if there's a good doctor here, I suppose? A lady was saying in the Musik-saal--the lady with the three daughters who came this afternoon--that she was afraid they were in for bad feverish colds or something, and asking who there was to call in.
THE C.'S W. Oh, I've _no_ belief in foreign doctors. I always find a few drops of aconite or pulsatilla,----I have my h.o.m.oeopathic case with me now. Perhaps, if I went and had a talk with her I could----
[_She goes out energetically._
PODB. Another gone! (_To the_ OLD MAIDS.) So you aren't going down to the Cloisters to-night? I'm told there's to be some fun there--Hide-and-seek, or something--first-rate place for it, especially now the moon's up!
FIRST O. M. n.o.body told _us_ a word about it. Hide-and-seek--and in those quaint old Cloisters too--It sounds delightful! What do you say, Tabitha. Shall we just----? Only to look _on_, you know. We needn't _play_, unless----
[_The_ TWO OLD MAIDS _withdraw in a pleased flutter._ PODBURY _crosses to_ CULCHARD.
PODB. (_with determination_). Look here, Culchard, I'd just like to know what you mean by the way you're going on.
CULCH. I thought we were both agreed that discussions of this kind----
PODB. It's all bosh our travelling together if we're not to have any discussions. You've been on the sulk long enough. And I'll thank you to inform me what you're after here, going about alone with Miss Prendergast like this, in the Museum with her all the morning, and on the lake again this afternoon--it won't _do,_ you know!
CULCH. If she happens to prefer my society to yours and her brother's, I presume you have no claim to interfere.
PODB. I don't know about that. How about Miss Trotter?
CULCH. If I remember rightly, you yourself were not insensible to Miss Trotter's--er--attractions?
PODB. Perhaps not; but I am not engaged to her--you _are_. You told me so in the train.
CULCH. You entirely misunderstood me. There was no definite understanding between us--nothing of the sort or kind. In fact, it was merely a pa.s.sing caprice. Since I have had the privilege of knowing Miss Prendergast, I see clearly----