Part 44 (1/2)

The lad uttered a shrill whistle E up the road in Phil's direction, though unable to see the lad


”Steady, steady, E swiftly down on him ”Easy, old boy!”

But the elephant did not lessen his speed one particle Phil felt sure, however, that he himself would not be harmed He knew Ereat ani ht in the path of the onco beast

”Steady, steady, steady!” cautioned Phil ”Now up, E, sinuous trunk uncurled, coiled about the lad's waist and the next instant Phil felt hiot him!” shouted Phil, carried away by the exciteo it! Emperor! Go faster than you ever have since you chased lions in the jungle”

And Ee street he woke the echoes with his shrill true tu!” cried the people, as they threw up their s and gazed out As they looked they saw a huge, shadowy shape hurling itself down the street, whereat they hastily withdrew their heads In a fewout, all running toward the blacksmith shop to learn what had happened there There followed a perfect pandemonium of yells when they discovered the wrecked condition of the place

In the uided Erounds of the previous day The elephant was about to turn into the lot, when a sharp slap frohway on the trail of the wagons that had passed on some hours before

Once he had fairly started E the twists of the road as unerringly as an Indian follows the trail of his eneot clear of the village

”I've won, I've won! But, oh, won't there be a row back there when they find out what has happened, I wonder if they will follow us”

The thought startled hi that I let him out _Go it,_ Emperor! Go faster!”

E off at an increased gait The darkness of earlydawn, and Phil felt a certain sense of relief as he realized that day was breaking On they swept, past hamlets, by farm houses, where here and there men with aze upon the strange outfit that was rushi+ng past them at such a pace

Phil could not repress a chuckle at such ti

The hours drew on until seven o'clock had arrived, and the sun was high in the heavens

”Inear the place,” decided Phil He kneas on the right road, for he could plainly see the trail of the wagons and of the stock in the dust of the road before hie way off yonder I wonder if that is it?”

A fluttering flag froht of a few minutes later, told the boy that it was

”Hurrah!” shouted Phil, waving his hat on high

At that moment a distant chorus of yells smote his ears The lad listened intently The shout was repeated Holding fast to the headstall, he glanced back over the road There, far to his rear, he discovered a cloud of dust, which a few minutes later resolved itself into a party of horse at top speed

”They're after me! Go faster! Go faster!” shouted the lad As he spoke a rifle cracked somewhere behind him, but as Phil heard no bullet the leaden missile must have fallen far short of the mark