Part 43 (1/2)
And there Phil lay hidden until every wagon had departed, headed for the border, and the circus lot became a barren, deserted and silent field
Making sure that everybody had left, Phil Forrest ran swiftly toward the village He knew the way, having been don during the day
A light twinkled here and there in a house, where the people, no doubt, were discussing the exciting events of the day As Phil drew near the cemetery he heard voices
It would not do to be discovered, so the lad clie of the open plot He was nearing the blacksmith shop and it was soon apparent to hiathered in front of the shop itself
Skulking up to the corner, the last rod being traversed on all fours, the circus boy flattened hiround to listen, in an effort to learn if possible ere the plans of the villagers If they had any he did not learn them, for their conversation was devoted principally to discussing what they had done to the Sparling show and what they would do further before they had finished with this business
Phil did learn, however, that the h the store as not fatally injured, as had been thought at first Someone announced that the doctor had said the lad of that,” muttered Phil ”I shouldn't like to think that Emperor had killed anyone I wonder how he likes it in there”
Evidently the elephant was not well pleased, for the lad could hear hi at his chains
”Won't he be surprised, though?” chuckled Phil ”I shouldn't be surprised if he made a lot of noise I hope he doesn't, for I don't want to stir the town up I wonder if those fellows are going to stay there all night?”
The loungers showed no inclination tofor the boy to do but to lie still and wait
After a little he began to feel chilled, and began hopping around on hands and feet to start his bloodA little of this warmed him up considerably This tiht wasPhil to make out objects soathered in front of the blacksmith shop
After a wait of what seemed hours to Phil, one of the watchers stirred hio hoht, I reckon”
”What time is it?”
”Half past two,” announced the first speaker
”Well, well, I should say it was ti to stay with hiet out”
After listening at the closed door, the one whoed to be an officer joined his companions and all walked leisurely down the road
The lad remained in the fence corner for soone He did not dare ht hear and know hireat tumult
Phil waited all of half an hour; then he climbed the fence and slipped cautiously to the door of the shop
It was securely locked