Part 31 (1/2)

”Oh, I don't know Circus people sleep when there isn't anything else to do Where we going to sleep?”

”Saets ahead of us”

”They'd better not I'll throw theood-naturedly

”If I reht and this ry; wish I had soreed Teddy

”You boys should get a sandwich or so and keep the stuff in your trunk while we are playing these country towns When we get into the cities, where they have restaurants, you can get a lunch don after you have finished your act and then be back in tions,” Mr Miaco inforo along, and it won't be long before you are full-fledged showmen You are pretty near that point already”

The lads strolled out on the lot and began hunting for their wagon They found nothing that looked like it for soone, when they chanced to coht, who directed theon isn't loaded yet You'll have to wait half an hour or so,” he said

They thanked him and went on in the direction indicated, where they soon found that which they were in search of

”I think we had better wait here until it is loaded,” advised Phil, throwing hi to hunt around over a ten-acre lot for your bedroorinned Teddy

”Might be worse I have an idea we haven't begun to experience the real hardshi+ps of the circus life” And indeed they had not

Soon after that the wagon was loaded, and, bidding the driver a cheery good night, the circus boys tumbled in and crawled under the canvas

They were awakened soht by a sudden heavy downpour of rain The boys were soaked to the skin, the water having run in under the canvas until they were lying in a puddle of water

There was thunder and lightning Phil scralanced up at the driver, who, clothed in oilskins, was huddled on his seat fast asleep He did not see unusual about the weather

”I wish I was horowled Teddy

”Well, I don't Bad as it is, it's better than sos that I know of I'll tell you what I'll do--I'll get rubber coats for us both e get in in the otten that,” laughed Phil ”I never thought that I should need money to buy a coat with We'll have to wait until payday I wonder when that is?”

”Ask Mr Sparling”

”No; I would rather not”

”All right; get wet then”

”I am I couldn't be any hed Phil

Ho way off to these two friendless, or at least hoe of Edmeston was less than thirty et in to the next town until so to the heavy condition of the roads The cook tent was up when they arrived and the lads lost no tion They did not have to be thrown out thisa run for the protection of the cook tent, for the rain was co down in sheets

Teddy was not far behind