Part 30 (1/2)
Grasping both the lad's hands, the shorung them until it seemed to Phil as if his arreat, great!” cried the owner of the show
”Did you like it?” questioned the blushi+ng Phil
”Like it? Like it? Boy, it's the greatest act I ever saw It's a winner Co?”
”But what shall I do?”
”You don't have to do anything You've done it already Show yourself, that's all Hurry! Don't you hear the like a band of Comanche Indians?”
”They want you”
By this ti with hi broke out afresh
Phil was more disturbed than ever before in his life It sees would collapse under him
”Buck up! Buck up!” snapped the showht at this late hour, are you?”
That was exactly as the matter with Phil Forrest He was nearly scared out of his wits, but he did not realize the nature of his affliction
”Bow and kiss your hand to them,” admonished the showman
Phil did so, but his face refused to smile He couldn't have smiled at that moment to save his life
All at once he wrenched hirip, and ran full speed for the dressing tent He had not goneon head and shoulders But Phil was up like a rubber erie was pursuing hiht, stood up in their seats and howled lustily
Phil Forrest had made a hit that comes to few men in the sawdust arena
”That was a knockout, kid,” nodded Mr Miaco, with e on the inside of h, for fear the wrinkles will break throughat his silk tights, that fitted so closely as to cause hi them off
”You'll have the whole show jealous of you if you don't watch out But don't get a swelled head--”
”Not unless I fall off and buhed Phil ”Where do I wash?”
”You alant to get a pail of water before you undress”