Part 7 (1/2)

[Footnote 164: Thurloe Papers, IV. p. 457.]

[Footnote 165: Beeston's Journal.]

[Footnote 166: Calendar of the Heathcote MSS. (pr. by Hist. MSS.

Commiss.), p. 34.]

[Footnote 167: Calendar of the Heathcote MSS., p. 34. _Cf._ also C.S.P.

Colon., 1661-68, No. 384:--”An act for the sale of five copper guns taken at St. Jago de Cuba.”]

[Footnote 168: Beeston's Journal.]

[Footnote 169: S.P. Spain, vol. 46.]

[Footnote 170: Ibid., vol. 47.]

[Footnote 171: C.S.P. Colon., 1661-68, Nos. 294, 375.]

[Footnote 172: Brit. Mus., Add. MSS., 11,410, f. 16.]

[Footnote 173: Ibid., f. 6.]

[Footnote 174: Dampier also says of Campeache that ”it makes a fine show, being built all with good stone ... the roofs flattish after the Spanish fas.h.i.+on, and covered with pantile.”--_Ed._ 1906, ii. p. 147.]

[Footnote 175: However, the writer of the ”Present State of Jamaica”

says (p. 39) that Myngs got no great plunder, neither at Campeache nor at St. Jago.]

[Footnote 176: Beeston's Journal; Brit. Mus., Add. MSS., 13,964, f.

16:--”Original letter from the Licentiate Maldonado de Aldana to Don Francisco Calderon y Romero, giving him an account of the taking of Campeache in 1663”; dated Campeache, March 1663.

According to the Spanish relation there were fourteen vessels in the English fleet, one large s.h.i.+p of forty-four guns (the ”Centurion”?) and thirteen smaller ones. The discrepancy in the numbers of the fleet may be explained by the probability that other Jamaican privateering vessels joined it after its departure from Port Royal. Beeston writes in his Journal that the privateer ”Blessing,” Captain Mitch.e.l.l, commander, brought news on 28th February that the Spaniards in Campeache had notice from St. Jago of the English design and made elaborate preparations for the defence of the town. This is contradicted by the Spanish report, in which it appears that the authorities in Campeache had been culpably negligent in not maintaining the defences with men, powder or provisions.]

[Footnote 177: S.P. Spain, vol. 46. Fanshaw to Sec. Bennet, 13th-23rd July 1664.]

[Footnote 178: Ibid., vol. 45. Letter of Consul Rumbold, 31st March 1663.]

[Footnote 179: Ibid., 4th May 1663.]

[Footnote 180: C.S.P. Colon., 1661-68, No. 443. Dated 28th April 1663.]

[Footnote 181: Ibid., Nos. 441, 442.]

[Footnote 182: Rawlinson MSS., A. 347, f. 62.]

[Footnote 183: Beeston's Journal.]

[Footnote 184: C.S.P. Colon., 1661-68, No. 571; Beeston's Journal.]

[Footnote 185: S.P. Spain, vol. 46, ff. 94, 96, 108, 121, 123, 127, 309 (April-August 1664).]