Part 62 (1/2)
Boil in a greased basin for two hours.
Ground-Barley Pudding.
_Ingredients_--1 tablespoonful of ground barley.
pint of milk.
1 tablespoonful of moist sugar.
1 egg.
_Method._--Mix the barley smoothly with the milk.
Put it into a saucepan with the sugar, and bring to the boil, stirring all the time.
Then let it simmer for fifteen minutes.
Remove from the fire, and beat in the yolk of the egg.
Whip the white up stiffly, and stir in lightly.
Pour the mixture into a b.u.t.tered pie-dish, and bake for fifteen minutes.
Steamed Semolina Pudding.
_Ingredients_--3 oz. of semolina.
1 pint of milk.
2 eggs.
2 oz. of moist sugar.
A little flavouring essence.
_Method._--Boil the semolina in the milk, with the sugar, until quite soft.
Then add the flavouring essence and the yolks of the two eggs.
Beat the whites up stiffly and mix them in lightly.
Pour the mixture into a greased pudding-mould, and steam for one hour.
Albert Puddings.
_Ingredients_--4 oz. of flour.
4 oz. of b.u.t.ter.
4 oz. of castor sugar.
2 eggs.
A few drops of vanilla flavouring.
_Method._--Work the b.u.t.ter to a cream in a basin, and beat in the flour, sugar, and eggs smoothly.