Part 5 (1/2)

1 oz. of flour.

Pepper and salt.

_Method._--Stuff the belly of the hare with the forcemeat, and sew it in.

Truss it nicely, and roast it from one and a quarter to two hours, according to its size, basting it constantly.

To make gravy, cut the beef into small pieces, and simmer in the water, with the onion sliced, for three hours. Thicken it with the flour, and add, if liked, a gla.s.s of port wine.

Pour a little gravy round the hare, and serve the remainder in a tureen.

Jugged Hare.

_Ingredients_--1 hare.

Some veal forcemeat.

2 oz. of b.u.t.ter.

1 onion, stuck with 6 cloves.

2 of port wine.

1 pint of gravy or stock.

1 lemon.

_Method._--Dry the hare well and cut it in pieces.

Fry them in the b.u.t.ter.

Then remove them and fry the flour a nice brown.

Pour in the gravy or stock, and stir until it boils.

Then put the stock into an earthenware jar with the hare, onion, thin rind and juice of the lemon, and pepper and salt to taste.

Cover the jar close, and put it into a moderate oven, where it must simmer gently from three to four hours until the hare is quite tender.

Make some b.a.l.l.s of veal forcemeat, to which the chopped liver of the hare has been added, and either fry or bake them.

Add them to the jugged hare, and, last of all, pour in the wine.

Serve with red-currant jelly.

Roast Rabbit.

_Ingredients_--1 rabbit.

Some veal forcemeat.

Some nice gravy (_see_ Gravy).

_Method._--Fill the belly of the rabbit with the forcemeat, and sew it in.

Truss it nicely, and roast it from three-quarters to one hour, basting constantly.