Part 4 (1/2)
Pickled Pork.
Put it into lukewarm water and simmer gently until tender.
Roast Goose.
_Ingredients_--1 Goose.
Sage and onion stuffing.
1 oz. of flour.
1 onion.
1 apple.
3 sage leaves.
lb. of gravy beef.
1 quart of water.
_Method._--Stuff the goose by placing the sage and onion forcemeat inside it.
Then truss it nicely and roast it from one and a half to two hours.
If it is a large one, two hours; if a small one, one and a half hours.
To make the gravy, simmer the giblets in water for three hours with half a pound of gravy beef cut in pieces, a sliced onion, apple, and three sage leaves, pepper and salt.
Then stir in a thickening made of the flour, and colour the gravy with a little burnt sugar. If liked, a gla.s.s of port wine may be added.
Pour a little gravy round the goose, and serve the rest in a tureen.
Apple or tomato sauce should be served with roast goose.
Roast Turkey.
_Ingredients_--1 turkey.
Some veal forcemeat (omitting the suet).
1 lb. of gravy beef.
3 pints of water.
1 onion.
2 oz. of flour.
_Method._--Place the forcemeat inside the turkey, and truss it nicely.
Roast it from one and a half to two and a half hours.
Make the gravy by simmering the giblets and beef in the water with the onion for three hours.